
a simple validator to be use in any project

3.1.3 2024-03-26 18:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-26 18:29:32 UTC



The Validator package is a versatile PHP validation library that allows you to perform robust data validation with ease. Whether you need to validate simple strings or complex nested structures, this package provides a flexible and intuitive solution.


  1. Installation
  2. Quick Start
  3. Customization
  4. Contributing
  5. Conclusion


Install the Validator package using Composer:

composer require lmcmi/validators

Quick Start

Standard Validation

For straightforward validation, use the Validator class directly:


require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

$validator = new \Validators\Validator;
$result = $validator->string()->maxLength(10)->required()->validate('this is a test');

    $result->throwOnFirst(); // Throws an exception for the first error message

Validation with Rules

For more complex scenarios, leverage rules with nested structures:

$values = [
    'field_1' => [
        "a" => "string",
        "b" => "should_be_int",
        "c" => []
    "field_2" => '{"json": "valid"}'

$rules = [
    "field_1" => "array|required",
    "field_1.a" => "string|required|lengthBetween:1,2",
    "field_1.b" => "int|between:1,2",
    "field_1.c" => "array",
    "field_2" => "json",

$result = Validator::rules($rules)->validade($values);

$result->failedOnField("teste.c"); // Returns false
$result->failed(); // Returns true
$result->throwOnFirstError(); // Throws an exception with the first error message
$result->failedOnRule('string'); // Returns true
$result->getErrorsMessages(); // Returns all error messages if they exist


Tailor the Validator package to your needs by customizing handlers and messages.

Custom Handlers

Create custom validation handlers to tailor the validation process to your needs:

namespace My\Namespace;

class Required implements \Validators\Contracts\ValidatorHandler
    public function handle($item): bool
        return isset($item);

Set the namespace for all your custom handlers:


Custom Messages

Tailor validation error messages for a personalized touch:

namespace My\Message\Namespace;

class Message implements \Validators\Contracts\MessagesRegistration
    public function register(): array
        return [
            'required' => ':field is required!'

Integrate your custom message class:

$validator->registerMessages(new \My\Message\Namespace\Message()); 


Contribute to the improvement of the Validator package by submitting issues or pull requests on the https://github.com/lcmialichi/validators.


With the Validator package, you have a powerful tool at your disposal for ensuring data integrity and reliability in your PHP projects. Dive into the documentation, experiment with the provided examples, and enhance your validation capabilities with ease.