
Symfony commands that can be used with the Platform.sh hosting service

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1.0 2018-03-05 21:06 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 10:03:35 UTC


A Symfony bundle to add commands that can be used with Platform.sh
Note: This bundle is still under development towards a version 1. It is highly reccomended to have a version control system in place prior to running any commands


Add the following to your composer.json file.

"require": {
    "lmatte7/PlatformBundle": "1.0"

Add the following to your AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            new lmatte7\PlatformBundle\lmatte7PlatformBundle(),


Then run composer update

Available Commands

There are three commands available:

rsync: Sync files from or to your platform.sh environments. Will only sync files in /web

sync_db: Sync databases from or to your platform.sh environments

init: Set up the necessary files to create a platform.sh project


  platform:rsync [options]

  -d, --direction=DIRECTION                      The direction to rsync. Options are "to" or "from" production.
  -f, --directory[=DIRECTORY]                    The directory to sync with no starting slash, leave blank to sync the entire web directory
  -s, --source-environment[=SOURCE-ENVIRONMENT]  The environment to sync files with. Defaults to current environment
  -h, --help                                     Display this help message


To sync the local web directory with your current platform.sh environment
bin/console platform:rsync -d from

To sync the platform.sh master environment web directory with your current web directory
bin/console platform:rsync -d to -s master

To sync only the local /web/upload directory with the master platform.sh env /web/upload
bin/console platform:rsync -d to -f upload -s master

Sync DB

     platform:sync_db [options]
     -d, --direction[=DIRECTION]                    The direction to sync data. Options are to and from. Option defaults to from
     -s, --source-environment[=SOURCE-ENVIRONMENT]  The environment to sync data with. Defaults to current environment
     -h, --help                                     Display this help message


To sync the local database with your current platform.sh environment database bin/console platform:sync_db -d from

To sync the platform.sh master environment database with your local database bin/console platform:rsync -d from -s master

Note: Must have mysql and mysqldump available as command line options

Platform Init

     -h, --help            Display this help message

Creates default config files needed to create a platform.sh project. Uses the suggested files from the platform.sh Symfony example project. Uses MySql for the database. It is highly recommended these are reviewed before pushing to a live server.