
Encrypting values such as passwords and short messages

dev-master 2016-11-28 18:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:31:46 UTC


Build Status codecov.io Code Coverage contributions welcome

"Module developed for my framework "Genniuz", but works perfectly independent of the framework.


It's recommended that you use Composer to install Encryptor.

composer require lleocastro/encryptor

This suite contains three types of data encryption!

Click on any link to go a method-specific documentation.

1. Hash Generator

107 bits hash for passwords encryption and things that do not need to have their values retrieved later, only their hash for comparison

//Construct the HashGenerator
$hash = new HashGenerator();

//Data input
$data = "Hello World!";

//Data Encrypted
$encryptedData = $hash->encode($data);

//Hashs comparables
$check = $hash->isEquals("Hello World!", $encryptedData);
//Output: true;

2. Message Encrypter

Encrypt messages with a symmetric key using a simple crazy calculation and a bit of obscurity. Tested only with small messages..

//Construct the SMCrypter
$smCrypt = new SMCrypter();

//Data input
$originalValue = "My EMAIL is 'leonardo_carvalho@outlook.com' and (10+5/2*7=0999) <><because yes. çÇ>";

//Generate symmetric key
$key = $smCrypt->keyGenerator();
//Output: VE4zWXpOPT1RTjBr

$encoded = $smCrypt->encode($key, $originalValue);
 * Output: 591047765 928789345 268658075 253306185 529640205 591047765 498936425 560343985 583371820 268658075 253306185
 * 805974225 882733675 268658075 253306185 299361855 829002060 775270445 852029895 844353950 744566665 875057730 767594500
 * 852029895 729214775 759918555 744566665 875057730 905761510 744566665 829002060 798298280 852029895 491260480 852029895
 * 898085565 890409620 829002060 852029895 852029895 821326115 353093470 759918555 852029895 836678005 299361855 268658075
 * 253306185 744566665 844353950 767594500 268658075 253306185 307037800 376121305 368445360 330065635 406825085 360769415
 * 383797250 322389690 422176975 468232645 368445360 437528865 437528865 437528865 314713745 268658075 253306185 291685910
 * 829002060 890409620 452880755 291685910 790622335 890409620 452880755 291685910 829002060 890409620 452880755 752242610
 * 775270445 759918555 744566665 898085565 882733675 775270445 268658075 253306185 928789345 775270445 882733675 353093470
 * 268658075 253306185 291685910 759918555 759918555 775270445 767594500 805974225 829002060 452880755 291685910 514288315
 * 759918555 775270445 767594500 805974225 829002060 452880755 291685910 790622335 890409620 452880755

$decoded = $smCrypt->decode($key, $encoded);
//Output: "My EMAIL is 'leonardo_carvalho@outlook.com' and (10+5/2*7=0999) <><because yes. çÇ>";

3. Disguise

Encrypts and decrypts texts in base64 with some trick and manipulation for strings make a encryption obscure and simple

//Construct the Disguise
$disguise = new Disguise();

//Data input
$data = "This is a Rock ´N Roll..";

//Data Encrypted
$encrypt = $disguise->obscure($data);
//Output: "Mll2SkZJaEJ5Y3BCeWNwaEdWPT1nTHV3R2J2SkZJT1Jyd2dz";

$decrypt = $disguise->illumin($encrypt);
//Output: "This is a Rock ´N Roll..";

Learn More

This readme is just a preview, for more information access the readme of each method..


This code is secure counter cross-site scripting (XSS).

If you discover security related issues, please email leonardo_carvalho@outlook.com instead of using the issue tracker.

To contributions

Please, see doc for contribute. Thanks!


The Encryptor is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.