
An advanced rendition of the cloud-hooks repository focused on automated, predictable, and safe code deployments.

Installs: 19

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2019-02-15 02:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 14:54:03 UTC


For a comprehensive overview of the Cloud Hooks feature, please refer to the canonical source at https://github.com/acquia/cloud-hooks.

What value does this project add?

This project was started in response to a number of pain-points that were encountered with managing enterprise Drupal 8 projects on Acquia Cloud.

It is comprised of a number of hooks that fire in a specific order to help make code deployments faster, more predictable, and less vulnerable to human error.

It was also created because of the lack of ACAPI support for Drush 9.


This project makes certain assumptions about application and organization setup.

Cloudflare Support Tier

Domain based purging requires an enterprise Cloudflare account.


  • Drush >= 9.2.1
  • Cloudflare >= 8.x-1.0-alpha7

Environment Setup

Before deploying these hooks to an Acquia application, certain steps must be taken to install the proper Acquia and Cloudflare credentials.

Setting up ACAPI

To set up ACAPI on an environment, credentials must be installed on the Acquia server(s) being targeted.

This can be accomplished by either:

  • running the ac-api-login command with Drush 8.
  • Uploading a credentials file at ~/.acquia/cloudapi.conf.
{"email":"account@example.com", "key":"get-the-key-from-the-acquia-dashboard"}

Configuring Cloudflare API

The Cloudflare API keys need to be configured within the Drupal database at /admin/config/services/cloudflare.


Each operation is separated into its own script. These scripts are shared among the various environments through carefully named symbolic links.

Backup Databases

This script will auto-detect all schemas on the current environment and create user backups of each before exiting.

This script utilizes v1 of the Acquia Cloud REST API to block subsequent hook execution until all backups are completed. By default, it only runs on the production environment.

Drupal Cache Clear

This script clears the local Drupal cache. It adds a layer of safety and consistency by also clearing the Drush cache prior to clearing everything else. This is also said to resolve acquia/blt#2867.

Update Entities

This script simply runs drush entity:updates.

Update Databases

This script simply runs drush updatedb.

Configuration Import

This script runs a configuration import against the sync source. If a configuration split exists for the current environment, then the environment-specific configuration is imported as well.

Varnish Cache Clear

This script will auto-detect all domains on the current environment and purge the Varnish cache for each before exiting.

It utilizes the Acquia Cloud REST APIv1 to perform purge requests and will block subsequent hook execution until all caches are purged (to prevent race conditions with clearing upstream caching layers).

Cloudflare Cache Clear

This script will auto-detect all domains on the current environment and purge the Cloudflare cache for each before exiting.

It utilizes the Cloudflare REST APIv4 to perform purge requests and will NOT block subsequent hook execution, as this is not supported through the API at this time.