
LKT PHP Translations

2.0.2 2024-09-01 20:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-01 20:20:42 UTC



composer require lkt/translations


Translations folder and translations files

Languages are declared by registering a language folder. This is a directory in you project holding as many php files as you want.

Each translation file must return an array.

An example could be:

- /
- - /translations
- - - /en
- - - - users.php
- - - - ...
- - - /es
- - - - users.php
- - - - ...
- - - /it
- - - - users.php
- - - - ...

English version of users.php could be:


return [
    'name' => 'Name',
    'billing' => [
        'address' => 'Billing address',
        'city' => 'Billing city',

Register translations in your code

Each directory can be loaded with addLocalePath method:

use Lkt\Translations\Translations;

Translations::addLocalePath('en', __DIR__ . '/translations/en');
Translations::addLocalePath('es', __DIR__ . '/translations/es');
Translations::addLocalePath('it', __DIR__ . '/translations/it');
Translations::addLocalePath('fr', __DIR__ . '/translations/fr');

Retrieve all available languages

use Lkt\Translations\Translations;

$languages = Translations::getAvailableLanguages(); // An array => ['en', 'es', 'it', 'fr]

Access to translations

use Lkt\Translations\Translations;

// Get translations with current language

// Nested translations can be accessed using the dot separator:

// Specify wanted language
Translations::get('name', 'it');

Current language

By default, the language used it's the first registered when translations directories was loaded.

If you want to, it can be updated at any time this way:

use Lkt\Translations\Translations;


Additional features

Find missed translations between languages

Sometimes can be hard to maintain translations files and there is an useful method for that purpose:

use Lkt\Translations\Translations;

$missed = Translations::getMissedTranslations()

This method will return an array for each language with all the keys without a translation.

For example:

    'en' => [
        'sayHello' => ''
    'es' => [
        'sayHello' => 'Hi'

Find translations with the same value between languages

It's time to detect if there are translations declared but not translated yet.

use Lkt\Translations\Translations;

$missed = Translations::getTranslationsNotTranslated()

This method will return an array for each language with a minimum of one key with the same value in other language.

For example:

    'en' => [
        'lorem' => 'ipsum',
        'dolor.sit.amet' => 'Amet'
    'es' => [
        'lorem' => 'ipsum',
        'dolor.sit.amet' => 'Amet'

Export translations

use Lkt\Translations\Translations;

$exported = Translations::export();

// $exported content:
    "en" => [
        "lorem" => "ipsum",
        "dolor.sit.amet" => "Dolor sit amet",
    "fr" => [
        "lorem" => "ipsum",
        "dolor.sit.amet" => "Dolor sit amet fr",
        "langExclusiveTranslation" => "Hi"