

1.0.12 2024-07-05 18:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-05 18:51:40 UTC


This package is designed to handle HTTP request.

All Response objects used by the Router are described in lkt/http-response.

This package implements nikic/FastRoute so all dynamic params for routes are available.


composer require lkt/http-router

Register routes

Register a new route is as easy as instantiate a class. It takes two arguments: the full route and a callable with the Route handler.

use Lkt\Http\Routes\GetRoute;
use Lkt\Http\Routes\PostRoute;
use Lkt\Http\Routes\PutRoute;
use Lkt\Http\Routes\PatchRoute;
use Lkt\Http\Routes\DeleteRoute;

GetRoute::register('/blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']); // Route only can be accessed by GET
PostRoute::register('/blog', [YourController::class, 'handler']); // Route only can be accessed by POST
PutRoute::register('/blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']); // Route only can be accessed by PUT
PatchRoute::register('/blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']); // Route only can be accessed by PATCH
DeleteRoute::register('/blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']); // Route only can be accessed by DELETE

Keep in mind a route can't be declared twice.

Routes visibility

All routes have two alternative constructors to control if it's available in a public or private way: onlyLoggedUsers and onlyNotLoggedUsers

use Lkt\Http\Routes\GetRoute;
use Lkt\Http\Routes\PostRoute;
use Lkt\Http\Routes\PutRoute;
use Lkt\Http\Routes\PatchRoute;
use Lkt\Http\Routes\DeleteRoute;

GetRoute::onlyLoggedUsers('/blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']);
PostRoute::onlyLoggedUsers('/blog', [YourController::class, 'handler']);
PutRoute::onlyLoggedUsers('/blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']);
PatchRoute::onlyLoggedUsers('/blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']);
DeleteRoute::onlyLoggedUsers('/blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']);

GetRoute::onlyNotLoggedUsers('/public-blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']);
PostRoute::onlyNotLoggedUsers('/public-blog', [YourController::class, 'handler']);
PutRoute::onlyNotLoggedUsers('/public-blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']);
PatchRoute::onlyNotLoggedUsers('/public-blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']);
DeleteRoute::onlyNotLoggedUsers('/public-blog/{id}', [YourController::class, 'handler']);

Determine if user is logged in

Router includes a method which accepts a callable function to check if user is logged in or not.

This function must return a bool value (true means user is logged).

This way, Router doesn't modify your logic.

use Lkt\Http\Router;

// With a function
    // Do your stuff
    return true;

// With a callable array
Router::setLoggedUserChecker([YourLoginController::class, 'yourLoginCheckerMethod']);

Specify a custom login checker for a Route

If you have a context where can exist many ways to get logged in, you can specify a custom login checker:

use Lkt\Http\Routes\GetRoute;

GetRoute::onlyLoggedUsers('/blog', [YourController::class, 'handler'])
    ->setLoggedUserChecker([YourLoginController::class, 'yourSpecificLoginCheckerMethod']);

Restricting even more the access to a route

Every Route can add some access checkers to determine if it's accessible:

use Lkt\Http\Routes\GetRoute;

GetRoute::onlyLoggedUsers('/blog', [YourController::class, 'handler'])
    ->addAccessChecker([YourLoginController::class, 'checkThisUserIsAdmin']);

The access checker handler will receive an array with all request variables in it and can have some different returns:

  • Returning a Response instance will make Router dispatch this Response.
  • false, which means user is not allowed and Router will dispatch a forbidden response
  • void, the access checker doesn't limit the access to data and Router will work as usually

Routes handlers

Router expects all routes returns a Response instance (see lkt/http-response).

Each handler will receive as first argument an array with all request variables in it.

An example of YourController.php:

use Lkt\Http\Response;

class YourController {
    public static function index(array $params = []): Response
        return Response::ok(['message' => 'everything ok!']);

// ...
// And that method would be mapped this way:
GetRoute::onlyLoggedUsers('/blog', [YourController::class, 'index']);

Route resolving

In your index.php, simple add this:

use Lkt\Http\Router;


The dispatch method automatically detects if you're sending a JSON, HTML, a file, ... and disposes the right headers.

Also, the dispatch method will end the script execution.

If you have an existing routing engine and want to migrate step by step, you can get the response and works with it. Take a look to lkt/http-response to know what can be done with the Response instance, for example, how to send HTTP headers.

use Lkt\Http\Router;


Globally force a response

This feature is useful if you want to return a maintenance status, or block a given IP address, or any situation in which you need to send the same Response no matter which route is accessed.

use Lkt\Http\Router;
use Lkt\Http\Response;

$response = Response::serviceUnavailable('Server under maintenance');


Token detection

Router can give you the HTTP_TOKEN or a Bearer Token. Both methods return null if the token is undefined.

use Lkt\Http\Router;
