Google 2FA

v1.0.1 2023-12-19 17:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 19:04:57 UTC


This repository was inspired by This library provides PHP classes for generating and verifying Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP) as per the G2FA (Google Two Factor Authentication) standards. It includes TOTP and SecretKey classes designed to work together to offer a robust solution for two-factor authentication.


composer require liquid-cats/g2fa 


This class is responsible for generating and verifying TOTPs based on a secret key and time.


Generates TOTPs for a given timestamp. Verifies TOTPs against the current or provided timestamp. Customizable algorithm, length, epoch, and period. Usage

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use LiquidCats\G2FA\TOTP;
use LiquidCats\G2FA\Enums\Algorithm;
use LiquidCats\G2FA\ValueObjects\SecretKey;

$totp = new TOTP(Algorithm::SHA512, 6, 30, 1);
$secretKey = new SecretKey('YOUR_SECRET_KEY');
$otp = $totp->now($secretKey);

// To verify OTP
$isValid = $totp->verify($secretKey, $otp);

2. SecretKey

The SecretKey class is used to handle secret keys required for generating TOTPs.


Validates secret keys for format and size. Decodes secret keys from Base32 encoding. Static method for generating new secret keys.


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use LiquidCats\G2FA\ValueObjects\SecretKey;

// Creating a SecretKey
$secretKey = new SecretKey('YOUR_SECRET_KEY');

// Decoding a SecretKey
$decodedKey = $secretKey->decode();

// Generating a new SecretKey
$newSecretKey = SecretKey::generate();


I welcome contributions and improvements to this library. Please submit pull requests or open issues for any bugs, feature requests, or enhancements.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.