
Banner Resolver based on region, probability and query parameters.

dev-master 2018-09-16 15:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 10:31:27 UTC


Banner Resolver component

This is the Yii2 component for resolve what a banner is suitable for user with his query parameters, region (for example, by ip geolocation), and percent probabilities. You can to configure own rules for resolving a content.

As banner you can use any string, url, html code.

To install you need run comand (without --no-dev for testing capability support):

composer require linkuha/yii2-banner-resolver

Tested on:
PHP 7.2.0
Yii 2.0.14
Composer version 1.7.1
PHPUnit 7.3.5

Rules types:

  • Region (country code with 2 symbols, you can get code from any IP Geo Location module, for example, if you have)
$RU = Yii::$app->geoip->lookupLocation('')->countryCode;
  • Percent (chance of choosing this rule with concrete probability. NOT can contain childrens due to his logic)
  • Parameter (you can sent any array, e.g. request parameters array. resolver return a banner from rule matched to parameter)

Create in config directory file banners.php. And add configuration into your 'components' => [...] section, for example:

$banners = require __DIR__ . '/banners.php';
'components' => [
    'banners' => $banners,

Contains of config banners.php is may to be hierarchy with children key of associative array. Example:

return [
    'class' => linkuha\BannerResolver\BannerResolver::class,
    'rules' => [
        1 => [
            'type' => 'region',
            'value' => 'RU',
            'children' => [
                1 => [
                    'type' => 'param',
                    'key' => 'test',
                    'value' => '1',
                    'return' => 'banner3.jpg'
                2 => [
                    'type' => 'percent',
                    'value' => '70',
                    'return' => 'banner4.jpg'
                3 => [
                    'type' => 'percent',
                    'value' => '30',
                    'return' => 'banner5.jpg'
        2 => [
            'type' => 'percent',
            'value' => '100',
            'return' => 'banner6.jpg'

So finally, use:

$code = Yii::$app->geoip->lookupLocation('')->countryCode;
$bannersComp = Yii::$app->banners;
$bannerUrl = $bannersComp->resolveBanner($query, $code)->getUrl(),

To run a tests:
