
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

An extensible simple spam detector library

0.2.0 2016-08-17 09:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-29 13:57:55 UTC


Spam Filter is a simple library for detecting spam messages. It follows the open closed principle by introducing Spam Detectors which are just separate classes used to extend the spam filter detecting capabilities.

Build Status


Spam Filter library can be loaded into your projects using Composer or by loading the inbuilt autoloader.

Composer Installation

You can define the spam filter as a dependency in your project. Below is a minimal setup required

	"require" : {
		"morrelinko/spam-detector": "0.2.0"
Using autoload.php

If you are not using composer for your dependency (which you should) there is a simple autoloader packaged with this library which you can just 'include()' into your project files

	require_once '/path/to/spam-detector/autoload.php';


This should be done once throughout your app

use SpamDetector\SpamDetector;

// Create a black list spam detector
$blackListDetector = new BlackList();

// add some text string to the black list detector

// Create the spam filter
$spamDetector = new SpamDetector();

// Register the spam detector


// Run the check
$spamCheckResult = $spamDetector->check("
	Hello, this is some text containing
	and should fail as it has a word that is black-listed

if($spamCheckResult->passed()) {
	// Do stuff

Each time you call the check() method on a string, it returns a SpamResult Object which holds the ... hmm ... spam check result.

You could provide more information about the entity trying to perform the action you are checking against the spam detector.


$check = $spamDetector->check(array(
    'name' => 'johndoe',
    'email' => '',
    'text' => 'Hello, this is some clean comment John Doe is trying to post'

if ($check->passed()) {
    // Post comment

Some detectors will require these extra information to `perform`...

Currently Supported Spam Detectors

1. BlackList Detector:

The black list detector flags a string as a spam if it contains any of one or more words that has been added to the black list. Strings could be formed from Regular Expressions or a Character Sequence.

2. LinkRife Detector:

The link rifle detector checks if a text contains too many links based on the max links allowed and the percentage ratio of links to words.. You can also modify these values to your taste.

Creating your own custom Detector

You create a detector simply by creating a class that implements the SpamDetectorInterface which defines the following contract.

interface SpamDetectorInterface
    public function detect($data);

The prepared data passed as the argument is made up of an array with these values.

  • 'name' => Optional name of the user. Could be username or full name [This is provided by you].
  • 'email' => Optional e-mail address of the user [This is provided by you]
  • 'text' => The content of the message [This is provided by you]
  • 'ip' => The IP address of the user
  • 'user_agent': The browser user-agent of the user

If your detector returns true then the text is flagged as spam otherwise not spam if false is returned.

Below is an example of a "fantastic" spam detector that checks if a text is above 200 words and flags it as spam.

Its not usable, its just an example.

class LengthTooLong implements SpamDetectorInterface
	public function detect($string)
		if (str_word_count($string) > 200) {
			return true;

		return false;

After creating your spam detector, you add it using the registerDetector() method in the SpamFilter


$lengthTooLong = new LengthTooLong();



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
