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A Laravel package made for displaying flashes messages in a conveniant way

v1.0.1 2017-04-21 13:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-07 10:58:06 UTC




A laravel package which make printing flashes a breeze!


This is my first ever package published. I wanted to learn how to make a simple package for Laravel. I've been reading a lot about the IoC container, how Laravel does the dependency injection etc... This package was inspired by the great laracasts/flash package!



$ composer require linking/flashr

When the package is installed, if you're running Laravel 5.x, you can register the package in the AppServiceProvider, like this

        use Linking\Flashr\FlashrServiceProvider;
        use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

        class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
             * Bootstrap any application services.
             * @return void
            public function boot()
                // ...

If you're running an older version of Laravel, you can edit the app.php file, and add this in the providers option

    'providers' => [
        // ...



You should also add the Facade, in the file app.php, under the 'aliases' key, add

    'aliases' => [
        // ..
        'Flashr' => \Linking\Flashr\Facades\Flashr::class,
        // ..


Within your controllers, you can do

public function edit(Post $post) {
    Flashr::success("The post has been edited");
    return view('post.edit', compact('post'));

Flashr expose differents functions to print different type of flashes. Here is a list of Flashr functions :

  • Flashr::success($message)
  • Flashr::info($message)
  • Flashr::warning($message)
  • Flashr::danger($message)

Then, in your views, you can include the vendor views, by doing


Note: it use, by default, the Twitter Bootstrap notation. If you want to replace this behaviour, just read what's next

If you want to customize the view, simply do

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=flashr

then, go tho your views directory. You should find a vendor directory. Inside this directory, a flashr directory will be here. You can edit this file to whatever you want. By default, the file looks like this :

    $flashr_type = Session::has('_flashr.type') ? Session::get('_flashr.type') : null;
    $flashr_message = Session::has('_flashr.message') ? Session::get('_flashr.message') : null;

@if($flashr_type && $flashr_message)

    <div style="position: relative" class="alert alert-{{ $flashr_type }}" role="alert">
        {{ $flashr_message }}
        <span id="close-flash" onclick="var el = this.parentElement; el.remove()"
              style="position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px; font-size: 24px; line-height: 10px; cursor: pointer">&times;</span>


As you can see, the plugin add two keys in the session: _flashr.type and _flashr.message