
Laravel extensions to work with Postgresql table native field-types

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v1.2.1 2020-09-16 14:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 23:02:18 UTC


Extending the laravel to work with PostgreSQL tables


  • additional casting types for the some native PostgreSQL types
  • additional many-to-many relations with using of specific PostgreSQL array-type fields

Anounced (in developing)

  • extension of BluePrint to operate PostgreSQL array fields and GIN-indexes



composer require "limanweb/pg-ext"

Package contents

  • Models\
    • Concerns\
      • PgTypeCastable - cast some PostgreSQL native types for model
      • HasArrayRelationships - additional relations for model
    • Model - The abstract model that used PgTypeCastable & HasArrayRelationships traits
  • Relations\
    • ArrayRelations - base abstract class for array-field relations
    • HasManyInArray - HasManyInArray relation class
    • BelongsToManyArrays - BelongsToManyArrays relation class
  • Support\
    • PgHelper - PostgreSQL native type convertion helper

Using extended casting

Use trait Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Concerns\PgTypeCastable in your model to cast some native PostgreSQL types

  1. Add trait Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Concerns\PgTypeCastable into your model
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class YourModel extends Model 
	use Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Concerns\PgTypeCastable;
	// Your model implementation

or inherite your model from Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Model to use extended casting by default.

use Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Model;

class YourModel extends Model 
	// Your model implementation
  1. Describe your table array fields in $casts property with 'pg_array'
protected $casts = [
	'your_array_field' => 'pg_array',

Available cast types:

  • pg_array - use for one dimension array fields ("text[]", "varchar[]", "int[]" and other)

Now you can operate with array-attributes of model like with PHP-array.

Using extended relations

Add trait Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Concerns\HasArrayRelationships into your model

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class YourModel extends Model 
	use Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Concerns\PgTypeCastable;
	use Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Concerns\HasArrayRelationships;
	// Your model implementation

or inherite your model from Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Model to use extended casting and relationships by default.

What many-to-many relation trough array-field

For example, you have two tables: posts and tags. Every post can have many tags, and every tag can be associated with many posts. You can add a column 'tag_ids' of native PostgreSQL type 'INTEGER[]' (array of integer) into 'posts' table. Now, you can use this field to specify ID-s of tags associated with post.

Notes: Don't forget to create GIN-index on 'tag_ids' field.

Using the hasManyInArray and the belongsToManyArrays relationships allows you to access related models. See examples below.

hasManyInArray relation

use Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Model;

class Post extends Model {

	protected $casts = [
		'name' => 'string',
		'tag_ids' => 'pg_array', 	// this is array of integer PostgreSQL field
						// in SQL is "country_is INTEGER[],"

	// Your model implementation

	 * @return Limanweb\PgExt\Relations\HasManyInArray
	public function tags() {
		return $this->hasManyInArray(Tag::class, 'tag_ids', 'id');

belongsToManyArrays relation

use Limanweb\PgExt\Models\Model;

class Tag extends Model {

	protected $casts = [
		'name' => 'string',

	// Your model implementation

	 * @return Limanweb\PgExt\Relations\BelongsToManyArrays
	public function posts() {
		return $this->belongsToManyArrays(Post::class, 'tag_ids', 'id');