Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Adds automatic popup window.
19 0
Blog module.
10 0
Adds Ecommerce system.
6 0
Adds CoinPayments integration to Checkout.
5 0
Adds Printful integration to Checkout.
Adds Stripe integration to Checkout.
Lightning Fast PHP Framework.
47 2
Font awesome compiler/wrapper.
7 0
Adds foundation 6 functionality and templates
20 0
Adds image rescaling and caching.
4 0
Adds JQuery script inclusion.
1 0
Adds integration support for jquery ui.
Adds a layout editor and renderer for pages.
3 0
Adds photo gallery based on photoswipe.
9 0
Adds a podcast manager.
15 0
Adds site multi site manager capability.
22 0
Makes blog multisite compatible.
8 0
Makes checkout multisite compatible.
Creates a wrapper for slick slider.
Adds spamhaus IP lookup for message handling.
0 0