
Google Job Posting integration for Laravel

dev-master 2023-10-27 13:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 17:15:28 UTC


Build Status

This package allows you to generate the required metadata for Google Jobs Announcements in a easy and Laravel way.


You can install this package via composer composer require lightit/laravel-google-jobs

The service provider will be auto discovered and then automatically added to your providers array.


Laravel Google Jobs provides two different ways of json generation:

  1. You can use the GJob facade available at: Lightit\LaravelGoogleJobs\Facades namespace

  2. You can use Laravel's dependency injection system. From your class constructor, inject the GJobContract. This will return a singleton instance of Lightit\LaravelGoogleJobs\GJob class.

use Lightit\LaravelGoogleJobs\Contracts\GJobContract;

class JobOfferController extends Controller
    /* @var GjobContract */
    private $gjob;

    public function __construct(GJobContract $gjob)
        // $this->gjob is now a GJob class singleton instance
        $this->gjob = $gjob;


Available API

Google Job Posting allows a specific set of fields for your jobs. Check: for more information.

Some of these fields are required, and others are optional. This package will help you through the process of generating and validating all this data properly, so you don't have to care about the formatting or the definitions of the JSON.


$this->gjob->fields(array $parameters): GJob

This method adds all array $parameters into your current instance and performs data validations. If one of the required parameters is missing from the array aLightit\LaravelGoogleJobs\Exceptions\FieldsValidationsException will be thrown specifying the missing required fields.

$this->gjob->withOptionals(array $parameters): GJob

As the name says, this method adds all array $parameters into your current instance, performing data validations. Only format validations are performed over these fields.

$this->gjob->generate(): string

Generates the proper JSON format and validates all the instance parameters.


public function show(Request $request, $id)
    // Lets say we want to allow google to render our job offer

    // Cool! Is time to do some magic with this package, we are going to use the Facade for this example
     // All You have to do is create an array like this one.
      // We strongly recomend the use of a model accessor in order to avoid duplicated code and provide one single source of truth for your job offer array representation
    $jobArray = [
        'datePosted' => '...',
        'text' => '...',
        'hiringOrganization' => [
            '@type' => '...',
            'name' => '...',
            'sameAs' => '...',
            'logo' => '...'
        'jobLocation' => [
            '@type' => '...',
            'streetAddress'=> '...',
            'addressLocality'=> '...',
            'addressRegion'=> '...',
            'postalCode'=> '...',
            'addressCountry'=> '...'
        'title' => '...',
        'validThrough' => '...'

    // Add your array into the singleton instance

    return view('details');

Now, all you have to do is call to the generate() method directly on your view before you close the </body> tag


<p>I'm the best job offer ever!</p>

<script type="application/ld+json">
    {!! GJob::generate() !!}


And voila! A beautiful and fully compatible JSON is rendered for you.

About Lightit

Light-it is a digital product development studio with offices in the US, Uruguay and Paraguay.


This project and the Laravel framework are open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.