
Update, install, and beta test LifterLMS and LifterLMS add-ons

Installs: 125 811

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 6

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 0


3.5.1 2024-04-16 18:13 UTC


PHPUnit Tests PHP Tests Coverage PHPCS Coding Standards Code Climate maintainability Code Climate test coverage

PHP Supported Version

Contributions Welcome Slack community

Premium add-on updater and beta tester plugin for LifterLMS.


Building and Publishing Releases

  • llms-dev log:write: Write changelog.
  • llms-dev ver:update: Update version numbers.
  • npm run build: Build a release: spec, doc code snippets, and included language files.
  • llms-dev archive: Build distributable zip file.
  • llms-dev publish:gh: Publish release.

These steps require write access to the repository as well as access to the internal development CLI llms-dev. Developers and maintainers are provided with required permissions as needed.