
Symfony Autocomplete Form Bundle

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v1.2 2024-03-19 13:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 13:18:17 UTC


This is a Symfony Bundle that provides an autocomplete Form Type. This was designed for Symfony v4+. Currently, this widget uses Select2 as its base. In the future I might add other 'autocomplete' widgets using different interfaces.

This is a replacement for my older Typeahead Bundle that was originally for Symfony v2 and hasn't been updated in years (but has served me well!). This is not a one-for-one replacement, but rather a more modern approach to doing things.

I'm still working on features and ironing out some small issues. I have not tagged any releases yet.


  • Supports Entity and Non-Entity lookups using a single class type.
  • Supports AJAX or Array lists.
  • Easily add the javascript code to your existing bundler (webpack, etc), or use it directly via a <script> tag.
  • Support different themes like bootstrap.
  • Supports tagging - The ability of adding new entities or items.
  • Form types for Select and Vue-Multiselect widgets. Vue-Multiselect type is not documented yet.


  • This bundle requires the Select2 or Vue-multiselect javascript and CSS code, but does not provide it directly. You must include it yourself, eg: yarn add select2, and add it to your webpack or other bundler configuration.

  • Select2 requires jQuery and is not actually provided in this bundle. You must provide it yourself, eg: yarn add jquery


Note: The examples below use the bootstrap theme from the NPM package select2-bootstrap-theme (yarn add select2-bootstrap-theme).

A simple select box that allows a single entity User to be selected from an AJAX request.

Single Entity Selection Example (A) Single Entity Selection Example (B)

use Lifo\AutocompleteBundle\Form\Type\Select2Type;

$builder->add('user', Select2Type::class, [
    'route'            => 'users_lookup',
    //'url'              => '/absolute/url/instead/of/route',
    'min_input_length' => 1,
    'placeholder'      => 'Search for user ...',

A simple select box that allows a multiple User entities to be selected from an AJAX request.

Multiple Entity Selection Example

$builder->add('users', Select2Type::class, [
    'route'            => 'users_lookup',
    'min_input_length' => 1,
    'multiple'         => true,
    'placeholder'      => 'Search for user ...',

A simple select box that uses a plain array of choices.

Single Array Selection Example

$builder->add('status', Select2Type::class, [
    'help_block' => 'Inactive users cannot login.',
    'choices'    => [
        'Active'   => 1,
        'Inactive' => 0,


There are a lot of options to customize the way the autocomplete widget functions. Defaults are shown. Note: A route, url, or choices must be specified for the widget to function.

Option Default Description
route null Symfony route name to generate an URL to perform an AJAX search request.
route_params null Parameter array to generate the route
url null An absolute URL to perform the AJAX search request from instead of a route name.
choices null An keyed array of choices to populate the select box with instead of using AJAX.
class null The Entity class representing the items in the results. Can be null to use non-entities.
property "id" The unique ID property name to use for the id of each item.
text_property null The property to render the selection text from. Can be null if your Entity has a __toString method.
multiple false If true, multiple items can be selected.
min_input_length 0 Minimum input length required before a search request is performed.
max_selections 0 Maximum selections allowed (multiple is true). Set to 0 for no limit.
delay 250 Delay, in milliseconds before a search request is performed.
tags false Enable tagging support (adding new entries).
placeholder null Placeholder text shown in the widget when nothing is selected.
allow_clear true Allow the selection(s) to be cleared with a single click of an "x" icon.
close_on_select true Close the dropdown after a selection is made.
theme "bootstrap" Theme to use. 'default' is the standard option for Select2.
language "en" Lanuage to use.
dropdown_auto_width false If true, the dropdown width will expand to its contents.
dropdown_parent null CSS Selector target for the dropdown parent placement. Useful if you need to target a modal, etc.
dir "ltr" Language direction: Left-to-Right (rtl), or Right-to-Left (ltr)
disabled false If true, the select will be disabled.
transformer null Custom DataTransformer to use.


Symfony v4+, v5+, v6+

composer require lifo/autocomplete-bundle

If you're using Flex then the bundle will work w/o any other configuration.

If you're not using Flex then you'll need to register the bundle in bundles.php:

// config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    Lifo\AutocompleteBundle\LifoAutocompleteBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    // ...

Twig Configuration

By default, the form theme is enabled automatically in Twig, but you can disable this if you need to with the following config:

  autoconfigure: false

If autoconfigure is disabled, you'll have to manually update your Twig config:

    # config/packages/twig.yaml
        - '@LifoAutocomplete/autocomplete.html.twig'

Symfony v3.x

Symfony v3 is not officially supported, but might work if you manually register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php

$bundles = array(
  // ...
  new Lifo\AutocompleteBundle\LifoAutocompleteBundle(),


This is an example of how to add the javascript and CSS to your app. The concept here is similar to other bundlers as well.

In your main entry point you would add something similar as this:

// assets/app.js
import 'bootstrap'
import 'select2'
// ...

Script Tag

You can include the required javascript by using straight script tags too. The paths here assume the files are already in your public web directory.

<script src="js/select2/dist/js/select2.js"></script>

<link href="css/select2.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

Data Format

AJAX responses and the simple Array lists require the following format:

  'results' => [ 
      'id'   => 'unique ID',
      'text' => 'text displayed',
      'id'   => 'unique ID',
      'text' => 'text displayed',
  'more' => true|false,
  // or:
  // 'pagination' => [
  //   'more' => true|false
  // ]

AJAX Requests

Select2 sends the following on AJAX requests.

  • term - The current search term in the search box.
  • q - Contains the same contents as term.
  • _type - "request type". Will usually be query, but changes to query_append for paginated requests.
  • page - The current page number to request. Only sent for paginated (infinite scrolling) searches.