
Parsing the .env file to add new variables to the global environment.

1.0.1 2023-04-14 20:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 22:54:20 UTC


.env file is used very often in projects. Especially when it comes to some kind of powerful framework. It would be very convenient to add variables from the .env file, for example, directly to the $_ENV array and use them from there. EnvParser is a very simple and fast class for adding some settings to global variables. EnvParser has no external dependencies, which guarantees that it is simplicity and fast. It's installation is very simple.

Note: The minimum required PHP version is 7.4

  1. Install package:
composer require lexxyit/env-parser
  1. Create environment file .env at the root directory of your project:
  1. Now, let's try to use package. We need to call it's public load() method. This method needs only one string parameter with path to your .env file. In my case I include it before the code with connecting to database. It can be done in several ways.
  • Create extra variable to instantiate the EnvParser class and then use the load() method:

    $envParser = new LeXxyIT\EnvParser\EnvParser();
    $envParser->load(__DIR__ . '/.env');
    // ... database connection ...
  • Create an instance of the EnvParser class with a short notation to use quickly the load() method:

    (new LeXxyIT\EnvParser\EnvParser())->load(__DIR__ . '/.env');
    // ... database connection ...
  • Use load() as a static method:

    LeXxyIT\EnvParser\EnvParser::load(__DIR__ . '/../_Packagist/EnvParser/.env');
    // ... database connection ...

As a result, the variables will be added to the global environment and you will be able to use it in your code. Now, you can check it:



    [DB_HOST] =>
    [DB_PORT] => 3306
    [DB_USER] => user
    [DB_PASSWORD] => password

Enjoy it!