
A skeleton REST API application, using Silex and Syringe with support for Puzzle-DI

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3.1.0 2021-08-13 16:14 UTC


A skeleton REST API application, using Silex and Syringe with support for Puzzle-DI


Lazy Boy will create a skeleton Silex framework, so you can create REST APIs without having to bother with boilerplate code.

It is packaged with a route loader and uses Syringe, which allows you to define both your routes and services in configuration files, rather than PHP

If you have the Symfony console installed, it will also create a console script and automatically load any commands it finds in the service container (any service name which ends with ".command" and is an instance of the Symfony Command class). You can also use Puzzle-DI to load service configuration from modules.



install using composer:

composer require Lexide/lazy-boy:^2.0

Lazy Boy will automatically generate several files from templates, whenever composer update or composer install is run. You are free to make modifications; Lazy Boy will not overwrite a file which already exists, so committing those changes to a VCS is safe. Having your VCS ignore the files will mean they are generated when you install vendors on a freshly cloned repository.

If you want to disable automatic file generation, so you can use the FrontController or RouteLoader perhaps, add the following to your composer file:

"extra": {
  "lexide/lazy-boy": {
    "prevent-install": true

All that is left to do is create a vhost or otherwise point requests to web/index.php.



If you are using the standard Lazy-Boy route loader, you can define your routes in configuration files, using YAML or JSON. Each route is defined as follows:

        url: /sub/directory
        action: "test_controller:doSomething"
        method: post

routes is an associative array of routes that you want to allow access to.

In this case, a HTTP request that was POSTed to /sub/directory, would access a service in the container called test-controller and call it's method doSomething. This route could be referenced as route-name when using the router.

For each route, the url and action parameters are required, but method is optional and defaults to GET.

You can also use the assert parameter to overwrite the default regex for parameter of a route. For example

            url: /user/{id}
            action: "test_controller:doSomething"
            method: get

The URL /user/56 would match and the id parameter would come back as 56. The URL /user/56/foo would not match.

            url: /user/{my_wildcard}
            action: "test_controller:doSomethingElse
            method: get
                my_wildcard: ".*"

Going to the URL /user/56 would match and again, the my_wildcard parameter would come back as 56. Going the the URL /user/56/foo would match and the my_wildcard parameter would return 56/foo


If you have many routes with similar URLs, such as:

  • /users
  • /users/{id}
  • /users/login
  • /users/logout

you can use a group to wrap them with a common url prefix.

        urlPrefix: /users
                url: /
                action: "..."
                url: /{id}
                action: "..."
                url: /login
                action: "..."
                method: post
                url: /logout
                action "..."


if you have a lot of routes, it can be convenient to separate related routes into different files. In this case, you can import files into a parent file by using the imports array:

    - users.yml
    - shop/products.yml
    - shop/checkout.yml

    group: "..."
    route: "..."

Imported files are merged into a single configuration array before routes and groups are processed. Where route naming conflicts arise, the latter import will overwrite the former and the importing file will take precedence over any imported routes.

Library Installed Routes

If Puzzle-DI is installed, libraries that have registered route files with Lazy Boy can have those files imported into the RouteLoader. Using this feature, libraries can autoload routes and their controllers directly into Silex, without needing for an application to be configured manually.

The functionality is similar to how Syringe works with Puzzle-DI, so if you are familiar with Syringe, it should be easy to add library routes.

To register a route file from within a library, add the following code to the libraries composer.json file:

"extra": {
  "lexide/puzzle-di": {
    "lexide/lazy-boy": [
      "path": "[ path to the route file, relative to the library package root directory ]"

Also, you will need to whitelist our library for use with puzzle-di by adding the following to the application's composer.json:

"extra": {
  "lexide/puzzle-di": {
    "whitelist": {
      "lexide/lazy-boy": [
        "[ your library's package name ]"

Now, when composer installs dependencies into the application, the library's route file will be configured to load alongside any application routes.


By default, the RouteLoader restricts HTTP methods to a set of the most commonly used methods: GET, POST, PATCH, PUT and DELETE. This can be customised by changing the Syringe DI configuration value router.allowedMethods:

    # ...
        - "get"
        - "post"
        - "delete"
        - "connect" # added CONNECT method
        - "upsert"  # added custom / non-standard method 
        # PUT and PATCH methods are now disabled (not present in the list)

Allowed method values are case insensitive


CORS Provider

The CORS provider can be used to give your API the ability to accept cross domain requests. It is enabled by default and can be configured by adding the following parameters to your app's syringe config:

Allowed Headers

# optional, automatically set to:
#     ["Content-Type", "Authorization"]

These parameters allow for additional headers to be sent and received by the client. cors.request.defaultHeaders contains the headers commonly required by Lazy-Boy apps, but can be overwritten if these headers need to be removed. The headers and defaultHeaders are merged together, so you only need to set these configuration options if you need to use additional headers or to restrict headers.

Allowed Methods

    # defaults to the value of router.allowedMethods
        - "get" 
        - "post"
        - "put"

The allowedMethods parameters set which HTTP methods can be used with your API. You can use these to use a more restricted list than the RouteLoader allows. In the above example, CORS requests will only be allowed for GET, POST and PUT methods, so cross origin sources cannot make a request to DELETE.

The OPTIONS method is required for CORS to work, so is always added automatically; it is not required for it to be in the configuration list

Also, it should be obvious, but is worth noting that any allowed CORS methods that aren't in the router.allowedMethods configuration list will not work as the RouteLoader will reject them

Custom Templates

Lazy Boy uses a simple template system to create standard config and entry point files. It is possible to hook into this system to extend Lazy Boy and install custom templates.

The extending library should be installed in the same manner as Lazy Boy; required into an application as a composer dependency. The library itself should require Lazy Boy as normal, but then add extra data to the composer.json file to configure the templates:

  "name": "lexide/lazy-boy-extension",
  "require": {
    "lazy-boy": "^2.0.0"
  "extra": {
    "lexide/lazy-boy": {
      "templates": {
        "template-name": {
          "template": "[ file path of the template, relative to the library package root directory]",
          "output": "[ file path of the output file, relative to the application root directory ]"
        "index": {
          "template": "[ the 'index' template already exists. You can override a template like this ... ]"
        "console": {
          "output": "[ ... or change where it's written to by overriding the output ]"

As in the example config, you can replace an existing template with a custom one by using the same template name. You can choose to override the template and/or the output file location.

Currently the following templates are predefined

Template Name Output Location
bootstrap * app/bootstrap.php
services app/config/services.yml
routes app/config/routes.yml
console ** app/console.php
index web/index.php
htaccess web/htaccess

* This template is protected and cannot be overridden

** This template depends on the symfony/console library being present in the package list

Usage In Applications

In order to prevent dependencies from installing templated files ad hoc, Lazy Boy requires that you whitelist the package name in your application, before it will install any custom templates. This is done by adding the following code to the applications composer.json file

"extra": {
  "lexide/lazy-boy": {
    "whiteListedPackages": [


If you have improvements you would like to see, open an issue in this github project or better yet, fork the project, implement your changes and create a pull request.

The project uses PSR-2 code styles and we insist that these are strictly adhered to. Also, please make sure that your code works with php 5.4, so things like generators, finally, empty(someFunction()), etc... should be avoided.

Why "Lazy Boy"

Because it likes REST, of course :)