lexal / http-stepped-form
HTTP based Stepped Form.
- php: >=8.1
- lexal/stepped-form: ^3.0
- symfony/http-foundation: ^5.4 || ^6.4 || ^7.0
Requires (Dev)
- dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer: ^1.0
- infection/infection: ^0.27.9
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.10
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.5
- roave/security-advisories: dev-latest
- webimpress/coding-standard: ^1.3
The package is based on the Stepped Form package and works with HTTP response and requests (transforms form exception into Response and renders or redirects depending on base form return value).
Table of Contents
PHP: >=8.1
Via Composer
composer require lexal/http-stepped-form
Create a base Stepped Form.
Declare your form settings.
use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\Settings\FormSettingsInterface; use Lexal\SteppedForm\Step\StepKey; final class FormSettings implements FormSettingsInterface { public function getStepUrl(StepKey $key): string { // return step URL } public function getUrlBeforeStart(): string { // returns a URL to redirect to when there is no previously renderable step } public function getUrlAfterFinish(): string { // return a URL to redirect to when the form was finishing } } $formSettings = new FormSettings();
Create a Redirector. The Redirector creates and returns Redirect Response.
use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\Routing\RedirectorInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; final class Redirector implements RedirectorInterface { public function redirect(string $url, array $errors = []): Response { // create and return redirect response } } $redirector = new Redirector();
Create a Renderer. The Renderer crates and returns Response by template definition.
use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\Renderer\RendererInterface; use Lexal\SteppedForm\Entity\TemplateDefinition; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; final class Renderer implements RendererInterface { public function render(TemplateDefinition $definition): Response { // create and return response } } $renderer = new Renderer();
Create an Exception Normalizer.
use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\ExceptionNormalizer\ExceptionNormalizer; use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\ExceptionNormalizer\Normalizers\AlreadyStartedExceptionNormalizer; use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\ExceptionNormalizer\Normalizers\DefaultExceptionNormalizer; use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\ExceptionNormalizer\Normalizers\EntityNotFoundExceptionNormalizer; use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\ExceptionNormalizer\Normalizers\FormIsNotStartedExceptionNormalizer; use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\ExceptionNormalizer\Normalizers\StepNotFoundExceptionNormalizer; use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\ExceptionNormalizer\Normalizers\StepNotRenderableExceptionNormalizer; $normalizer = new ExceptionNormalizer([ new AlreadyStartedExceptionNormalizer($redirector), new EntityNotFoundExceptionNormalizer($redirector), new FormIsNotStartedExceptionNormalizer($redirector), new StepNotRenderableExceptionNormalizer(), new StepNotFoundExceptionNormalizer(), new DefaultExceptionNormalizer(), ]);
Create a Stepped Form.
use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\SteppedForm; $form = new SteppedForm( /* a base stepped form from the step 1 */, $formSettings, $redirector, $renderer, $normalizer, );
Use Stepped Form in your application.
/* * Starts a new form session. * Returns redirect response to the next step or URL after form finish. */ $form->start( /* an entity to initialize a form state */, /* unique session key is you need to split different sessions of one form */, ); /* Renders step by its definition */ $form->render('key'); /* * Handles a step logic and saves a new form state. * Returns redirect response to the next step or URL after form finish. */ $form->handle('key', /* request instance*/); /* Cancels form session and returns redirect response to the given URL */ $form->cancel(/* any URL */);
Exception Normalizers
Exception Normalizers are used for the normalizing Stepped Form exceptions into the Response instance. Create class
that implements ExceptionNormalizerInterface
to create your own exception normalizer.
use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\Settings\FormSettingsInterface; use Lexal\HttpSteppedForm\ExceptionNormalizer\ExceptionNormalizerInterface; use Lexal\SteppedForm\Exception\AlreadyStartedException; use Lexal\SteppedForm\Exception\SteppedFormException; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; final class CustomExceptionNormalizer implements ExceptionNormalizerInterface { public function supportsNormalization(SteppedFormException $exception): bool { return $exception instanceof AlreadyStartedException; } public function normalize(SteppedFormException $exception, FormSettingsInterface $formSettings): Response { // return custom response object return new Response(); } }
The package already contains normalizers for all available exceptions:
- redirects to the current renderable step.EntityNotFoundExceptionNormalizer
- redirects with errors to the previously renderable step or the URL before form start.FormIsNotStartedExceptionNormalizer
- redirects with errors to the URL before form start.StepNotFoundExceptionNormalizer
- returns 404 HTTP status code.StepNotRenderableExceptionNormalizer
- returns 404 HTTP status code.SteppedFormErrorsExceptionNormalizer
- redirects with errors to the previously renderable step or the URL before form start.StepIsNotSubmittedExceptionNormalizer
- redirects with errors to the previously renderable step or the URL before form start.DefaultExceptionNormalizer
- rethrows exception.
HTTP Stepped Form is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.