
Image manipulation, generate thumbnails

0.1.0 2015-10-17 09:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 16:37:02 UTC


A PHP class to manipulate images

This PHP tool is designed to generate thumbnails given the path to an image. Currently it supports png, gif and jpg images.


Update composer.json

    "require": {
        "lewnelson/image-manipulation": "dev-master@dev"


To get started ensure you have loaded all classes into your script, then run the following:

use LewNelson\ImageManipulation\ImageManipulation;

$collection = ImageManipulation::init($images);

Where $images is either a string of a path to an image or an array of paths to images. This will output either a string or array of ImageManipulation objects depending on the input. If you input an array the output will be an array with the same keys.

To generate a thumbnail you can then run the generateThumbnail() method on your ImageManipulation instances. By default without further configuration this will create a thumbnail in the same directory as the original image, prefixed by thumbnail_ with a max width of 120 and max height of 120.

The return from generating a thumbnail is an instance of the PHP class SplFileInfo.

The generateThumbnail() method accepts one parameter $options which is an array of options. This array consists of key => value pairs. The following options are available.

  • max_width = integer, maximum thumbnail width (default = 120)
  • max_height = integer, maximum thumbnail height (default = 120)
  • prefix = string, prefix to new thumbnail name (default = thumbnail_)
  • suffix = string, suffix to new thumbnail name (default = null)
  • jpeg_quality = integer 0-100, compression quality of new jpeg thumbnails (default = 75)
  • png_quality = integer 0-9, compression quality of new png thumbnails (default = 3)

In addition to setting these options you can also specify a location other than alongside the current image. This can be set via the setLocation((string)$location) method and passing an argument $location which is the new path.