
SimPass framework

dev-main 2022-04-19 13:22 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 22:18:54 UTC


System Requirements

Software Version
PHP Composer 2.3.x
PHP Framework Lumen 9.0.x
Web Server Nginx 1.x
PHP FPM 8.0.x
PHP Modules curl, procps, pcntl, gd, iconv, intl, mbstring, bcmath, sockets, opcache, openssl, SimpleXML, soap, libxml, zip, json, xmlrpc, xsl
ElasticSearch 7.16.4
Redis (backend cache) 6.2.x
Redis (database storage) 6.2.x
RabittMQ RabbitMQ 3.8.x Erlang 23.2.x

Install Simpaas framework in the app

composer require levtechdev\simpaaas

Required configs

copy configs (global, log) from simpass/config to app/config

// bootstrap

Required Service Providers

// bootstrap/app.php

Register Middlewares

// bootstrap/app.php
use Levtechdev\Simpaas\Middleware\Http\{JwtMiddleware, JsonSchemaMiddleware, CorsMiddleware, MaintenanceModeMiddleware, LoggerMiddleware};

// .... 
        JwtMiddleware::NAME            => JwtMiddleware::class,
        JsonSchemaMiddleware::NAME     => JsonSchemaMiddleware::class,

// .... 

Routing configuration

Change routes/web.php to routes/api.php All routers must be under a prefix like 'v*'

$router->group(['prefix' => 'v1'], function () use ($router) {

// bootstrap/app.php
// ....
$app->router->group([], function ($router) {
    require __DIR__ . DS . '..' . DS . 'routes' . DS . 'api.php';

$router = $app->router->getRoutes();
foreach ($router as $key => $value) {
    $app->router->addRoute($value['method'], str_replace('/v1/', '/', $value['uri']), $value['action']);

return $app;


  1. Override Authorization/Migration/SampleData.php in your app with new role rules and Register it in app Service Provider
  2. Init users
php artisan app:init --initUsers


  1. Add to bootstrap
// bootstrap
$app->configure('database') // and configure env
  1. Define Entity in the Elasticsearch scope (Model, Resource, Collection)
  2. Create Class witch are implemented EntityResourceModelMapperInterface example:
class NewClass implements EntityResourceModelMapperInterface
   protected array $mapping = [
         TestElasticModel::ENTITY => TestElasticResourceModel::class,

   public function getResourceModelClassNameByEntityType(string $type): string|false
   return $this->mapping[$type] ?? false;

   public function getInstalledResources(): array
   return $this->mapping;

NOTE: Bind this interface with NewClass in app service provider

  1. Create entity json schema into public/json-schema/v1/definitions/catalog.json
  2. Create index
  php artisan elastic:create catalog_entity  


  1. Copy Levtechdev\Simpaas\Helper\Swagger to any app folder (for example: app/Core/Helper) and configure comments according to the app
  2. Copy swagger folder with static(from IMS or CDMS public/swagger) content to public/ folder
  3. run
   php artisan swag:gen (NOTE: Required user initialization) 


  1. Copy simpaas\config\queue.php to app/config/queue.php and configure exchanges, queues, consumers, publishers
  2. Configure env according to queue.php
  3. Add to your app bootrstrap
  1. Init queue entities
   php artisan rabbitmq:setup    
  1. Queue entities list is
   php artisan rabbitmq:list
  1. copy shell/queue to shell/queue folder and create processor and workers
  2. NOTE: Enable queue consuming: add queue name into local/queue/enabled_queue (separator is ,)
  3. In your App implement


  1. Configure cams queue entity in config/queue.php.. See example in simpaas\config\queue.php
  2. Use Levtechdev\Simpaas\Queue\PublisherManager class for sending items to cams queue

Option config


  1. Debug level, see Levtechdev\Simpaas\Service\DebugLogTrait
 DEBUG_LEVEL=true   - write debug log see