
Build REST API consumer easier than ever

v1.0.1 2020-02-13 12:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 22:37:34 UTC


Build REST API consumer (client) easier than ever


Easily install it through Composer:

composer require lessmore92/api-consumer


PHP >=5.5


Easily extends your class from ApiConsumer and impalements ConfigApi method, and builds your awesome API Client.


Below is the minimum requirement to start building API client: ConfigApi

use Lessmore92\ApiConsumer\ApiConsumer;
use Lessmore92\ApiConsumer\Builders\ApiBuilder;

class MyApi extends ApiConsumer
     * @return ApiBuilder
    protected function ConfigApi()
        $api = new ApiBuilder();
        return $api;

If the api key needs to be placed in the query string use setQueryApiKey instead of setHeaderApiKey for example $api->setQueryApiKey('API-TOKEN','TOKEN');

The Magic of $this->Request()

By inheriting ApiConsumer your class will be able to utilize $this->Request() method, which supports chaining. With $this->Request() you will be able to access all the features and functionalities to make your request.

Define your first method to receive data from api: Simple GET Request

To specify an endpoint to be called, you must use ->Endpoint() method. After that by chaining ->Get() method at the end, REQUEST METHOD is specified as GET.

use Lessmore92\ApiConsumer\ApiConsumer;
use Lessmore92\ApiConsumer\Builders\ApiBuilder;

class MyApi extends ApiConsumer
     * @return ApiBuilder
    protected function ConfigApi()
        $api = new ApiBuilder();
        return $api;

    public function Users()
        $users = $this->Request()

        return $users->body;

In the above example we defined a method to GET Users list from server.

By calling Users() method, in fact we are getting https://MY-API-BASE-URL.COM/users

Make another request: Add Query String

To pass data in query string (e.g to search, order or filter) you can use ->AddQueryString() method.

public function SearchUsers($search)
    $users = $this->Request()
                  ->AddQueryString('search', $search)

    return $users->json_body;

In the above example we defined a method to search in users.

By calling SearchUsers('alex') method, in fact we are getting https://MY-API-BASE-URL.COM/users?search=alex

Make another request: Get result in json format

To receive data as json, you must use ->AcceptJson() method.

public function SearchUsers($search)
    $users = $this->Request()

    return $users->json_body;

As you can see in the code above, by chaining ->AcceptJson() in request we are telling to api server that we accept json, then in the return line we are returning a json formatted search result.

For json data format, your api server must be able to provide json formatted response and support HEADER 'accept : application/json'