
A Face Detector for Laravel

v1.0.0 2023-09-01 03:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 00:46:12 UTC


A Laravel package to handle face detection in an image

Current Features

  • reading a local or remote file
  • external url support
  • multiple ways available output the found face
  • file validation


composer require leomarriel/laravel-face-detector


Laravel without auto-discovery:

If you don't use auto-discovery, add the FaceDetectorServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php

'providers' => [

Copy configuration to your project:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=facedetector-config

By executing above command the package configuration will be published to config/facedetector.php

Config file

There are two configuration options available

config/facedetector.php is an asociative array with the following possible keys:

  • disk (string): the storage disk for file save on command output save().
  • noFoundFaceException (bool): Disable the exception when a face is not found
  • padding (array): Define a padding around the found face


Direct use, no facades:

You can create a new FaceDetector instance and load a local or remote file

use Leomarriel\FaceDetector\FaceDetector;

$face = new FaceDetector();

If you want to use the facade to face detection, add this to your facades in config/app.php:

'aliases' => [
  'FaceDetector' => Leomarriel\FaceDetector\Facades\FaceDetector::class,

Use the facade to face detection

There are currently two ways to load the file:

From Path

use FaceDetector;

$face = FaceDetector::loadFile('path/to/image.jpg')->preview();

From Url

use FaceDetector;

$face = FaceDetector::loadUrl('https://url/to/image.jpg')->preview();

Output details

Check all available output ways

use FaceDetector;

$face = FaceDetector::loadFile('path/to/image.jpg');
$face->found(); // (bool) Return a boolean whether or not a face was found in the file
$face->face(); // (array) Return an array with the position of the found face
$face->preview(); // Return a preview of the face found with a tag
$face->json(); // Return the found face in json format
$face->stream(); // Return a response with found face cropped in JPG to show in browser
$face->output(); // Return a jpg string file with the found face
$face->save(); // Physically save the face found

Save details

You can save the found face quickly with $face->save() output. The script will create a unique name for your file and store it in the facedetector folder in your storage.

$face->save(); // Physically save the face found on folder "facedetector" in your storage

You can set your preferred storage location:

$face->save('path/to/save'); // Physically save the found face with a random name in a defined path.

Take full control, set the storage path and file name to be saved. Save the file as JPG or PNG, it's your choice.

$face->save('path/to/save', 'new-image.jpg'); // Physically save the found face with a defined path and name.

If the save succeeds, will return the following data:

    'filename' => 'Saved file name',
    'size' => 'file size after cropping',
    'path' => 'path to file location relative to the disk storage',
    'url' => 'public url to access the file in browser'

☕️ Buy Me a Coffe

I'm happy to be able to contribute to your project, if this package helped you in any way, could you repay me with a coffee? Hugs!

"Buy Me A Coffee"