
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Official PHP development kit for LemonStand2

dev-master 2014-10-28 20:35 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2017-07-24 11:59:15 UTC



The LemonStand php-sdk is a simple to use interface for the API to help you get off the ground quickly and efficiently.


Before you can use the API you will need to create credentials from your store backend. You can do this as follows:

  1. Login into the /backend of your store.
  2. Navigate to the API section under the Settings menu tab.
  3. Add a new API key and do not share the secret or access token with anyone.


Add this line to your composer.json file:

  "require": {
    "lemonstand/php-sdk": "dev-master"


  • PHP >=5.4 with the cURL extension installed


First, you need to create a client.

$config = array(
    'shop' => 'store.lemonstand.com',
    'key' => 'hyfdNt0buc1ENxfec06YOGJQHh8bwqb3dMuBHMXI',
    'secret' => 'hyfdNt0buc1ENxfec06YOGJQHh8bwqb3dMuBHMXI',
    'token' => 'hyfdNt0buc1ENxfec06YOGJQHh8bwqb3dMuBHMXI'

$client= new \LemonStand\sdk\Client($config);

Then you can call specific endpoints of the API.

$products = $client->get('/products');

To send data to the API, pass a second argument as an array.

$data = array(
    "in_stock_amount" => 500,
    "is_on_sale" => 1,
    "sale_price_or_discount" => 39.99

$res = $client->patch('/product/1', $data);

// Check to see if the request returned successfully
if (!$res['success']) {
        throw new \Exception($res["error"]["message"]);

echo var_dump($res["body"]);

###Response Each request returns a response array with the following data structure:

	"data" => array,
	"headers" => array,
	"status" => integer,
	"success" => boolean,
	"error" => array(
		"raw" => array, 
		"message" => string

data - This is the body of the response. If you made a request to a single resource the output will be an array. If you made a request to a collection this will be an array of array's.
headers - Contains an associative array of the headers returned with the response.
status - An integer containing the response code. Eg. 200.
success - A boolean value to indicate whether the request was successfull or not. The possible values are true or false.
error - On a successful request this will be null. Otherwise the raw value will contain the error object sent from the server, and the message will contain a human readable string. If the success of a request is false you could display the error["message"] to the end user.

Available Methods

  • get
  • put
  • post
  • patch
  • head
  • delete


Apache 2.0