
Ready-made solution for publishing an entity

1.0.0 2023-10-13 16:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-13 18:08:10 UTC


Latest Version

This package can associate published date with Eloquent models. It provides a simple API to work with.


The library can be installed via Composer:

composer require leko-team/laravel-published


To be able publishing eloquent entities you need:

  • Add migration with column published_at or assign static::PUBLISHED_AT constant with the name of the column you want to use.
php artisan make:migration add_published_at_column_in_`your-table`_table
Schema::table('your-table', function (Blueprint $table) {

If you have existing records in your table you maybe want to update them with current date. Or perhaps you want to add current date as default value.

  • Add trait PublishedTrait to your model.
use PublishedTrait;



To publish entity:

$review = Review::first();

Publish by specific datetime:

$review = Review::first();
$review->publish(pass here carbon entity);

To unpublish entity:

$review = Review::first();


By default from published entity return only published records. You can change this by applying scope to your Eloquent model.

  • notPublished
$review = Review::notPublished()->get();

Returns all not published record with null in published_at include records that must be published in the future.

  • withUnpublished
$review = Review::withUnpublished()->get();

Returns all records.

  • withoutPublished
$review = Review::withoutPublished()->get();

Returns all unpublished record with null in published_at.


A big thank you to Laravel Package for helping out build package with step by step guide.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.