
Find yourself creating methods like label(), description() or icon() on your enums? This very simple package takes the legwork out of doing so for you, and gives you the same functionality without implementing the methods.

v1.1.0 2024-02-09 15:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-09 17:08:32 UTC


Describe your enums!

Find yourself creating methods like label(), description() or icon() on your enums? This very simple package takes the legwork out of doing so for you, and gives you the same functionality without implementing the methods.

Instead, just describe your cases with attributes!


Simply use the Describable trait and describe your cases with the DescribeEnum attribute using named parameters.

Methods on the enum values are now available, as well as static *Cases methods on the enum type.

use Legecha\Enumpty\Attributes\DescribeEnum;
use Legecha\Enumpty\Describable;

enum MyEnum
    use Describable;

    #[DescribeEnum(label: 'My First Case', description: "My first description")]
    case First;
    #[DescribeEnum(description: "My second description", label: 'My 2nd Case'])
    case Second;
    case Third;
    #[DescribeEnum(label: 'My Fourth Case')]
    case Fourth;

$enum = MyEnum::First;
$enum->label(); // string(13) "My First Case"
$enum->description(); // string(20) "My first description"

$enum = MyEnum::Third;
$enum->description(); // NULL

array(4) {
  string(13) "My First Case"
  string(11) "My 2nd Case"
  string(14) "My Fourth Case"
array(4) {
  string(20) "My first description"
  string(21) "My second description"

But wait, there's more!

There is also the Names trait, which provides a name() method to get a "pretty" version of your enum case's name, and a names() static method to retrieve them all for a specific enum. No attributes required.

use Legecha\Enumpty\Names;

enum MyEnum
    use Names;

    case MyFirstCase;
    case Second;
    case HereIsTheThird;
    case DontForgetTheFourth;

$enum = MyEnum::MyFirstCase;
$enum->name(); // string(13) "My First Case"
MyEnum::HereIsTheThird->name(); // string (15) "Here Is The Third"

array(4) {
  string(13) "My First Case"
  string(6) "Second"
  string(15) "Here Is The Third"
  string(23) "Dont Forget The Fourth"


composer require legecha/enumpty

Issues and Contributing

This is a very simple package, but pull requests are more than welcome. Please include a test and clean up the code before doing do.

composer test
composer fix