
An interface for iterationr and recursion in directories over the leagues flysystem.

1.0.0 2021-05-16 18:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 21:16:09 UTC


Build Status Scrutinizer Coverage


An interface for iteration and recursion over the Leagues flysystem.

This README.md is also a literate PHP-file.

This code is released under the GPLv3 License



The flightcontrol is initialized over a flysystem, e.g. as such:



use \League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local;
use \League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use \Lechimp\Flightcontrol\Flightcontrol;

$adapter = new Local(__DIR__, LOCK_EX, Local::SKIP_LINKS);
$flysystem = new Filesystem($adapter);

$flightcontrol = new Flightcontrol($flysystem);


Make sure us use the Local::SKIP_LINKS-option when using flightcontrol, as it will only handle files and directories.

Filesystem Objects

The flightcontrol can give you objects from the flystem:


// base directory from the flysystem:
$root = $flightcontrol->get("/");
assert($root !== null);
assert($root instanceof \Lechimp\Flightcontrol\FSObject);

// the tests directory:
$tests = $flightcontrol->directory("/tests");
assert($tests !== null);
assert($tests instanceof \Lechimp\Flightcontrol\Directory);

// this file:
$readme = $flightcontrol->file("/README.md");  
assert($readme !== null);
assert($readme instanceof \Lechimp\Flightcontrol\File);


Note that you could use Flightcontrol::get to either get a directory or file, and Flightcontrol::directory to get a directory or Flightcontrol::file to get a file respectively. These getters will return null if there is no matching object on the flysystem.

You could also use FSObject::toDirectory or FSObject::toFile to force an FSObject to a file or directory, where you get a null if the object is not what you want it to be.

Properties of Filesystem Object

The objects returned from the flightcontrol have different properties:


// properties of every filesystem object:
echo '$tests->path() == '.$tests->path()."\n";
assert($tests->path() == "/tests");
echo '$tests->name() == '.$tests->name()."\n";
assert($tests->name() == "tests");

// properties of files:
echo '$readme->timestamp() == '.$readme->timestamp()."\n";
assert(is_string($readme->timestamp()) || is_int($readme->timestamp()));
echo '$readme->mimetype() == '.$readme->mimetype()."\n";
assert($readme->mimetype() == "text/plain");
echo '$readme->content()'."\n";

// properties of directories:
$contents = $tests->contents();
echo '$tests->contents()'."\n";
assert(count($contents) > 0);
assert($contents[0] instanceof \Lechimp\Flightcontrol\FSObject);


File::content returns the content of the file as string. Directory::contents gives you a list of filesystem objects in the directory.