
Laravel Modular App Generator Plugin

1.0.9 2021-07-17 17:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 02:34:44 UTC


Laravel Release Issues Licence

Turn your existing laravel app into modular application. Laravel modular plugin allows you to write modular plugins for laravel.

Let's say, you are building a blog application. Your blog needs to have following features:

  • comments
  • blog post
  • user management etc..

You can turn this features into a module and bundle your logic so that you can easily use this module for your other projects. You can easily turn on/off your module.

Plugin Requirements

  • PHP >= 7.2
  • Laravel >= 6.0

Newer Laravel Plugin

For older version >= 8.0 of Laravel use this plugin Modular Laravel

How to install this plugin

Run following command to your existing project.

# install this plugin
composer require "learn2torials/laravel-modular"

# create module using artisan
php artisan make:module comments

Above command will create a new directory under App/Modules with following structure.

|- Modules
   |-- Comments
      |-- Controllers
      |-- Models
      |-- Views
      |-- Migrations
         |-- Seeder
      |-- Translations
         |-- en
             |-- general.php
         |-- fr
             |-- general.php
      |-- config.php
      |-- routes.php

Next, once this folder structure is generated you can turn on this module by creating console.php file in config directory.


| Configuration File
| You can overwrite default configuration here according to your app requirements.
return [
    "prefix"   => null,
    "i18n"     => false,
    "https"    => false,
    "modules"  => [
        "comments" => true

That is it, your module is now enabled. You can verify that your module is working by browsing


Add prefix before all your modules. Set following config in config/console.php file.

"prefix" => "admin",

Now, your module url will be:


Enable translation for you module. Set following config in config/console.php file.

"i18n" => true,

Now, your module url will be:

http://yourdomain.com/en/ca/comments      -> for english translation
http://yourdomain.com/fr/ca/comments      -> for french translation

When prefix is enabled

http://yourdomain.com/en/ca/admin/comments -> if prefix is admin
http://yourdomain.com/fr/ca/admin/comments -> if prefix is admin

How to use translations. Check your view file in your module to get the idea of usage:

{{ __('module::file_name.translation_key') }}

Module Configurations

Once module is enabled you can access module related configurations using following syntax.

For example: if you have installed a user module. Configuration file for user module is located in Modules/User/config.php


| User Module Configurations
| Here you can add configurations that relates to your [User] module
| Only make sure not to add any other configs that do not relate to this
| User Module ...
return [

    // module name
    'name' => 'User',

    // register middleware
    'middleware' => [
        'user' => \App\Modules\User\Middleware\UserAuthenticated::class,

    // register service providers
    'providers' => [

    // register route middleware
    'route_middleware' => ['user'],

    // database seeder
    'seeder' => [
        __DIR__. '/Migrations/Seeder/UsersTableSeeder.php'

How to run module migration/seeder

To run migration or seeder for your modules. Add seeder to config file and run following commands.

# run module migrations
php artisan migrate

# run module seeders
php artisan db:seed --class="L2T\Database\Seeder"


Example is shown on https://learn2torials.com/a/laravel-module-management