
A simple trait to implement eloquent model search method

v1.0 2021-10-20 14:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 18:25:42 UTC


Simple Searchable is a trait for Laravel that adds a simple search function to Eloquent Models, inspired by the package nicolaslopezj/searchable. Simple Searchable allows you to search a table including its relationship fields in belongsTo's relationships. This is not optimized for big searches, but sometimes you just need to make it simple (Although it is not slow).


Run the following command in your application:

composer require leandrogrando/simple-searchable


Add the trait to your model and your search fields (Searchable fields are optional. You can define them on the fly.

use LeandroGrando\SimpleSearchable\SimpleSearchable;

class User extends Model
    use SimpleSearchable;

     * Searchable fields.
     * @var array
    protected $searchable = [
        'city.name' // Field in a relationship
        'city.status.name' // Field in a multi relationship

    public function city()
        return $this->belongsTo('City::class');


Now you can search your model. The search method accepts two parameters, the first $query is a mandatory string with the search term while the second is an optional $searchable array that if used, will replace the searchable fields of the model with those informed in the array.

// Simple search
// $query = 'my search term'
$users = User::search($query)->get();

// Search and get relations
// It will not get the relations if you don't do this
$users = User::search($query)

Search Paginated

As easy as laravel default queries

// Search with relations and paginate
$users = User::search($query)

Mix queries

Search method is compatible with any eloquent method. You can do things like this:

// Search only active users
$users = User::where('status', 'active')

Specifying searchable fields on the fly

If necessary, you can pass an array with the searchable fields in the search method itself as the second parameter:

$users = User::search($query, [

In the example above, the searchable attribute of the User model is ignored and the fields passed in the array of the second parameter are used.


Anyone is welcome to contribute. Fork, make your changes, and then submit a pull request.