
Super simple redis helper for your PHP apps.

v4.0 2025-02-19 20:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 16:08:20 UTC


Leaf Redis Helper

Leaf Redis

This is a new addition to Leaf's collection of packages. Unlike other packages, this one doesn't come pre-packaged with Leaf by default and so needs to be installed separately.


You can quickly and simply install Leaf Redis through composer.

composer require leafs/redis

NOTE: Leaf redis is a separate package and so can be used outside of Leaf.

Getting Started

To get started with Leaf Redis, you simply need to call the init method and pass in any configuration you need.


This will initialize a new redis connection, from there, you can call any function you need to call.

Aloe CLI

Although Leaf Redis can be used outside the Leaf environment, there's more support for Leaf based frameworks. Leaf Redis comes with out of the box support for Aloe CLI which is used in Leaf MVC and Leaf API. To get started, head over to the leaf file in the root directory of your Leaf API/Leaf MVC app or wherever aloe CLI is registered and register a new command.


From there you should have access to a bunch of new commands from Leaf redis. The available commands are:

  redis:install  Create leaf redis config and .env variables
  redis:server   Start redis server


As mentioned above, the init method takes in an array for configuration. Below is the default config for init.

| Redis host
| Set the host for redis connection
"host" => "",

| Redis host port
| Set the port for redis host
"port" => 6379,

| Redis auth
| Set the password for redis connection
"password" => null,

| Redis session handler
| Set redis as session save handler
"session" => false,

| Redis connection timeout
| Value in seconds (optional, default is 0.0 meaning unlimited)
"connection.timeout" => 0.0,

| Redis connection reserved
| should be null if $retryInterval is specified
"connection.reserved" => null,

| Redis session handler
| Connection retry interval in milliseconds.
"connection.retryInterval" => 0,

| Redis connection read timeout
| Value in seconds (optional, default is 0 meaning unlimited
"connection.readTimeout" => 0.0,

| Redis session save_path
| Save path for redis session. Leave null to automatically
| generate the session save path. You can also use multiple save urls
| by passing in an array.
"session.savePath" => null,

| Redis session save_path options
| Options for session save path. You can pass in multiple options in
| the order of the save path above.
"session.saveOptions" => [],
use Leaf\Redis;

  // you can use multiple hosts
  "session.savePath" => ["tcp://host1:6379", "tcp://host2:6379"],

  // the first array is for the first host, second for the second host
  "session.saveOptions" => [["weight" => 1], ["weight" => 2]],

Available Methods


This allows you to set a redis entry.

Leaf\Redis::set("key", "value");

// you can also use arrays to set multiple values at once

Leaf\Redis::set(["key" => "value", "key2" => "value"]);


This returns a saved redis entry.

$value = Leaf\Redis::get("key");

// You can also get multiple entries at once

$data = Leaf\Redis::get(["key", "key2"]);

// $data => [key => value, key2 => value]


Ping the redis server


💬 Stay In Touch

📓 Learning Leaf 3

  • Leaf has a very easy to understand documentation which contains information on all operations in Leaf.
  • You can also check out our youtube channel which has video tutorials on different topics
  • We are also working on codelabs which will bring hands-on tutorials you can follow and contribute to.

😇 Contributing

We are glad to have you. All contributions are welcome! To get started, familiarize yourself with our contribution guide and you'll be ready to make your first pull request 🚀.

To report a security vulnerability, you can reach out to @mychidarko or @leafphp on twitter. We will coordinate the fix and eventually commit the solution in this project.

Code contributors

Michael Darko

🤩 Sponsoring Leaf

Your cash contributions go a long way to help us make Leaf even better for you. You can sponsor Leaf and any of our packages on open collective or check the contribution page for a list of ways to contribute.

And to all our existing cash/code contributors, we love you all ❤️

Cash contributors

Aaron Smith

Peter Bogner
