
PHP Cron Jobs Manager

v0.0.1 2014-04-18 06:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-05 10:16:56 UTC


#PHP Cron Jobs Manager

PHP Cron Jobs Manager is simple library to manage cron jobs task in your application. It use some data container like database.

Theory of library

  • Adapter - Representation of connector to data container like Zend_Db, Doctrine, Propel, etc..
  • Job - Representation of models/entities from data container. Has necessary information about task to do.
  • History - Representation of models/entities, has information about status executed job.
  • Task - Representation of thing to do, must extends from \Extlib\Cron\Task\TaskAbstract - implements run() method.

#Sample use

$cron = new \Extlib\Cron(new Doctrine2(array(
    Doctrine2::ENTITY_MANAGER => $entityManager,
    Doctrine2::JOB_ENTITY_NAME => 'Entity\CronJob',
    Doctrine2::JOB_COL_DATE_LAST_RUN => 'dateLastRun',
    Doctrine2::JOB_COL_PRIORITY => 'priority',
    Doctrine2::JOB_COL_STATUS => 'status',
    Doctrine2::HISTORY_ENTITY_NAME => 'Entity\CronHistory'

Example application zf+doctrine2

In catalog zf-doctrine-example as name suggest is an example application Zend Framework using Doctrine 2. Please create database using file : */zf-doctrine-example/docs/database.sql. This SQL script create database with two tables: cron_histories and cron_jobs with two task to do (Core_Cron_Task_Test1, Core_Cron_Task_Test2). To run script you must edit Your crontab with command crontab -e and put this line:

* * * * * /usr/bin/php */zf-doctrine-example/bin/cron.php  >> /tmp/cron-logs.log 2>&1

##Installation using Composer

    "require": {
        "lciolecki/cron-jobs-manager": "dev-master"