
Stockpile is a plugin for MODX Revolution that caches on save. Also provides a snippet, getStockpile to get resource from cache, no DB/xPDO queries. Saves all fields and TV values to cache.

v1.4.1 2019-08-21 15:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-22 01:45:20 UTC


Stockpile is a plugin for MODX Revolution that caches on save. Also provides a snippet, getStockpile to get resource from cache, no DB/xPDO queries. Saves all fields and TV values to cache. It can also save resources as static. Similar to the StatCache extra.

Install via Composer

Follow the Local Orchestrator helper to place in the correct location and then edit the composer.json file. Place "lci/stockpile": "dev-master" in the require spot. And then put "lci/stockpile" in the auto-install array. And then run composer install.

What is installed?



Use the getStockpile snippet to process a chunk form cached resource data or it can send the cached resource fields/tvs data to placeholders

Property Description Default
resourceID int required, a valid resource ID
item string chunk name to be be processed with resource data. If empty snippet will return empty ex: &item=myChunk
sendToPlaceholders boolean - send the data to placeholders 1
prefix string - for placeholders, example: &prefix=sp [[+sp.pagetitle]]
published bool - require a resource to be published to complete request, if 0 then will show all 1
debug bool - show property values 0


stockpile plugin is installed and is will save data on the following events

Event Description
OnBeforeSaveWebPageCache It will do $staticGenerator->makeResourceStaticFileOnWebCache($modx->resource); is related option is true
OnResourceAutoPublish It will cache every published resource and remove cache for every unpublished resource
OnDocFormSave, OnDocPublished, OnResourceUndelete It will cache resource
OnDocUnPublished Remove cache
OnResourceDelete Delete resource cache if remaining
OnSiteRefresh Rebuild static cache if LCI_STOCKPILE_REGENERATE_ON_CLEAR_CACHE=1 and static cache is enabled
FredOnFredResourceSave If you use Fred, you will need to manually attach this event to the stockpile plugin after you have installed Fred

xPDO, database table

stockpile_cache_que table with class name StockpileQueLog

Events to write custom plugins

Easily customize what is cached on saved via the OnStockpileSave event. Write your own plugin.

OnStockpileSave event: - @var \LCI\MODX\Stockpile $stockpile - @var \modResource $resource - @var array $data - resource fields and TVs - can use $stockpile->setResourceData($data); after you make modifications to save the data to the cache file

OnStockpileAfterSaveMakeQueLog and OnStockpileAfterDeleteMakeQueLog

Example to create a cache buster

use LCI\MODX\Stockpile\Stockpile;
use LCI\MODX\Stockpile\StockpileQue;

$eventName = $modx->event->name;

 * This plugin should only be called in the OnStockpileAfterSaveMakeQueLog and OnStockpileAfterDeleteMakeQueLog event
 * custom plugin to bust the stockpile static cache for related resources
 * @param Stockpile $stockpile
 * @param StockpileQue $stockpileQue
 * @param modResource $resource
 * @param array $data - the resource data as a stockpile array

switch($eventName) {
    case 'OnStockpileAfterDeleteMakeQueLog':
        // no break
    case 'OnStockpileAfterSaveMakeQueLog':
        if ($resource->get('id') == 10) {
        // Blog:
        $stockpileQue->rebuildParentWhenResourceHasParentID($resource, 10);

        // Products that can show up on a lot of product category pages
        $parent = $resource->get('parent');
        if (in_array($parent, [50, 75])) {
            $stockpileQue->rebuildResourceIDs([20, 22, 30, 45, 63]);

        // Siblings
        if ($resource->get('id') == 15) {
        if ($resource->get('id') == 16) {

CLI Command line

  • cd /www/core/vendor/bin
  • php orchestrator this will show a complete list of options

Note You can run the orchestrator commands from anywhere in the path. For example on MODXCloud this works:
php /www/core/vendor/bin/orchestrator AND

cd /www/core/
php vendor/bin/orchestrator 

Stockpile commands

  • php orchestrator stockpile:build ~ this will (re)cache all resources
  • php orchestrator stockpile:build --ids 2,3 ~ this will (re)cache a comma separated list of resource IDs
    • Short hand: php orchestrator stockpile:build -i 2,3
  • php orchestrator stockpile:remove ~ Clear/Remove all stockpile cache
  • php orchestrator stockpile:remove --ids 2,3 ~ clear/remove cache for that resource ID
    • Short hand: php orchestrator stockpile:remove -i 2,3
  • php orchestrator stockpile:que Process Stockpile cache que, if using a custom plugin then it is suggested to set a cron job to run this process every 5 to 15 minutes depending on how fast you want related content pages to be recached.

Static Generator

Based on StatCache:, configure with the .env settings below.

Nginx rules

Example on MODXCloud


location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ @modx-rewrite;

Replace with

# Start Stockpile Static Generator
set $cache_prefix 'core/cache/static';
if ($http_user_agent = 'MODX RegenCache') {
    set $cache_prefix 'no cache';

location / {
    try_files /$cache_prefix$uri~index.html /$cache_prefix$uri~.html /$cache_prefix$uri $uri $uri/ @modx-rewrite;

# END Stockpile Static Generator

Configure with .env

If you have not created an .env in the MODX/core directory do so and optionally add the following

Name Default Description
LCI_STOCKPILE_ENABLE_STATIC 0 Set to 1 or true to enable caching resources to static
LCI_STOCKPILE_CACHE_PATH core/cache/static/ The path to cache static resources appended to MODX_BASE_PATH
LCI_STOCKPILE_EXCLUDE_TV_NAME Optional, if set and TV exists and resource has a value of 1 or true it will not be cached.
LCI_STOCKPILE_CONTENT_TYPES If specified and non-empty, only cache Resources with the specified ContentType id's. Accepts a comma-delimited list of ContentType id's.
LCI_STOCKPILE_CONTEXTS If specified and non-empty, only cache Resources in the specified Contexts. Accepts a comma-delimited list of Context keys.
LCI_STOCKPILE_MIME_TYPES If specified and non-empty, only cache Resources with the specified mime-types. Accepts a comma-delimited list of mime-types.
LCI_STOCKPILE_EXCLUDE_BINARY_CONTENT_TYPES 1 Skip Resources that have a binary Content Type.
LCI_STOCKPILE_EXCLUDE_REMAINING_TAGS 1 Exclude Resources that have tags remaining in the content that is being cached for the Resource.
LCI_STOCKPILE_REGENERATE_ON_CLEAR_CACHE 0 If 1 will attempt to regenerate static files when clearing site cache.
LCI_STOCKPILE_REGENERATE_ON_SAVE 1 Regenerate an existing static file when a Resource is saved in the manager.
LCI_STOCKPILE_REGENERATE_USERAGENT MODX RegenCache The User-Agent HTTP header to send when regenerating static files. Your web server should be configured to not serve the static files when the User-Agent equals the value specified here.
LCI_STOCKPILE_USE_URL_SCHEME If enabled, includes the url_scheme (without the ://) as part of the statcache_path. Useful for sites using multiple Contexts for sub-domains or multiple domains. NOTE: using this requires changes to your web server rewrites rules.
LCI_STOCKPILE_USE_HTTP_HOST If enabled, includes the http_host as part of the statcache_path. Useful for sites using multiple Contexts for sub-domains or multiple domains. NOTE: using this requires changes to your web server rewrites rules.