laudirbispo / filefolder
File and Folder handler classes.
2019-02-18 20:45 UTC
- php: >=7.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-19 12:11:31 UTC
Install the latest version with
$ composer require laudirbispo/filefolder
Basic Usage
<?php use laudirbispo\FileAndFolder\{File, Folder}; ### File class example $File = new File('/site/index.php'); var_dump($File->exists()); // return bool true var_dump($File->extension()); // return string 'php' (length=3) var_dump($File->dirname()); // return string 'C:/wamp64/www/emobi/site' (length=24) var_dump($File->basename()); // return string 'index.php' (length=9) var_dump($File->name()); // return string 'index' (length=5) var_dump($File->size()); // return int 1432 var_dump($File->humanSize()); // return string '1,4 KB' (length=6) var_dump($File->mimeType()); // return string 'text/x-php' (length=10) var_dump($File->isValidMime()); // return boolean true var_dump($File->isExecutable()); // return boolean false var_dump($File->isReadable()); // return boolean true var_dump($File->isWritable()); // return boolean true var_dump($File->group()); // return Gets the file group. The group ID is returned in numerical format, use posix_getgrgid() to resolve it to a group name. var_dump($File->lastAccess()); // return int 1550083697 var_dump($File->lastChange()); // return int 1550083697 var_dump($File->owner()); // returns the user ID of the owner of the file, or FALSE on failure. The user ID is returned in numerical format, use posix_getpwuid() to resolve it to a username. var_dump($File->permissions()); // return octal chmod string '0666' var_dump($File->setChmod(0755)); // return boolean true var_dump($File->getInfo()); /** return array 'dirname' => string 'C:/wamp64/www/emobi/site' (length=24) 'basename' => string 'index.php' (length=9) 'extension' => string 'php' (length=3) 'filename' => string 'index' (length=5) 'mime_type' => string 'text/x-php' (length=10) 'size' => int 1432 'human_size' => string '1,4 KB' (length=6) 'permissions' => string '0666' (length=4) 'owner' => int 0 'group' => int 0 'last_access' => int 1550083697 */ var_dump($File->setFile('other_file')); var_dump($File->delete()); // return boolean true
Creating a new file
<?php use libs\laudirbispo\FileAndFolder\{File, Folder}; $txtContent = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pulvinar nec elit in feugiat. \n"; $textContent2 = "Etiam congue turpis sed blandit pulvinar."; $File = new File('new_file.txt'); var_dump($File->create(0644)); // return boolean true var_dump($File->open()); // return boolean true $data = $File->read(); var_dump($data); // return string '' $txtContent = $File->prepare($txtContent, true); // Prepares an ASCII string for writing. Converts line endings to the // correct terminator for the current platform. If Windows, "\r\n" will be used, // all other platforms will use "\n" var_dump($File->write($txtContent)); // add content var_dump($File->append($textContent2)); // adds content to the end of the pointer $data = $File->read(); var_dump($data); // return string 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pulvinar nec elit in feugiat. // Etiam congue turpis sed blandit pulvinar.' (length=136) var_dump($File->replaceText('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', '...replace text')); // return boolean true $data = $File->read(); var_dump($data); // return string '...replace text, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pulvinar nec elit in feugiat. // Etiam congue turpis sed blandit pulvinar.' (length=125) var_dump($File->clear()); // cleans the contents of the file var_dump($File->close()); // close the file
Working with folders example
<?php use libs\laudirbispo\FileAndFolder\{File, Folder}; use libs\laudirbispo\FileAndFolder\{File, Folder}; $Folder = new Folder('/teste'); var_dump($Folder->create()); // Create a new folder var_dump($Folder->tree()); // Get an array containing the list of directories and files present var_dump($Folder->setChmod(0755)); // return boolean var_dump($Folder->exists()); // return boolean var_dump($Folder->isWritable()); // return boolean var_dump($Folder->isWritable()); // return boolean var_dump($Folder->delete()); // return boolean var_dump($Folder->hasErrors()); // return boolean var_dump($Folder->getErrors()); // return array
Laudir Bispo - -
FileAndFolder is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE
file for details