laucov / injection
Library for easy dependency injection on callables.
Requires (Dev)
- laravel/pint: ^1.13
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.6
Library for easy callable dependency injection.
composer require laucov/injection
Use the Repository
class to register all available values. Get arguments, call functions and instantiate classes with the Resolver
class. See the examples below.
Value and iterable dependencies
Use setValue()
to set fixed value dependencies that are always available and setIterable()
to iterate over a limited set of values.
use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); $repository->setValue('float', 3.14); $repository->setIterable('string', ['John', 'Mary', 'Mark']); $callback = function (string $name, float $number) { echo "Name: {$name}; Number: {$number}." . PHP_EOL; }; $resolver->call($callback); $resolver->call($callback); $repository->setValue('float', 3.99); $resolver->call($callback);
Name: John; Number: 3.14.
Name: Mary; Number: 3.14.
Name: Mark; Number: 3.99.
Variadic parameters
When a function or a method with variadic parameters is resolved, the Resolver
object requests all available values from its dependencies.
Fixed values are returned as single-element arrays and iterables are sliced from its next to its last available value.
use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); $repository->setIterable('int', [14, 29, 71]); $repository->setValue(DateTime::class, new DateTime('2024-10-27 11:52:00')); $callable = function (DateTime $date, int ...$ids): void { $date = $date->format('d/m/Y'); $ids = implode(', ', $ids); echo "Received ids ({$ids}) on {$date}." . PHP_EOL; }; $resolver->call($callable);
Received ids (14, 29, 71) on 27/10/2024.
Instantiating classes
The Resolver
object is able to resolve class constructors. Calling instantiate()
will find the appropriate arguments and return an instance of the specified class.
use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; class Updater { /** * Create the updater instance. */ public function __construct( protected object $record, protected array $data, ) { } /** * Update the record. */ public function update(): void { foreach ($this->data as $key => $value) $this->record->$key = $value; $date = date_create()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->record->updated_at = $date; echo 'Updated ' . $this->record->name . ' at ' . $date . PHP_EOL; } } $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); $object = new class { public string $name = 'John Doe'; public int $age = 42; public null|string $updated_at = null; }; $repository ->setValue('object', $object) ->setValue('array', ['age' => 43]); $updater = $resolver->instantiate(Updater::class); $updater->update();
Updated John Doe at 2024-10-27 15:22:46
Getting arguments
You may also just get the arguments that would be used with a callable without actually calling it.
use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); $repository ->setIterable('int', [12, 13, 14, 15]) ->setValue('string', 'foobar'); $callable = fn (int $num, string $text) => print($text . '; ' . $num); $arguments = $resolver->resolve($callable); var_dump($arguments);
array(2) {
string(6) "foobar"
Accepted callables
Any callable value is accepted by the Resolver
and call()
use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); class Formatter { public static function format(DateTimeInterface $d, string $f): string { return date_format($d, $f); } } function format_my_date(DateTimeInterface $d, string $f): string { return date_format($d, $f); } $date = new DateTime; $repository ->setValue(DateTimeInterface::class, $date) ->setValue('string', 'Y-m-d'); echo $resolver->call('date_format') . PHP_EOL; echo $resolver->call([$date, 'format']) . PHP_EOL; echo $resolver->call(fn (string $f) => $date->format($f)) . PHP_EOL; echo $resolver->call('format_my_date') . PHP_EOL; echo $resolver->call([Formatter::class, 'format']) . PHP_EOL;
Custom dependencies
Call setCustom()
to use custom implementations of DependencyInterface
as dependencies.
use Laucov\Injection\Interfaces\DependencyInterface; use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); class TimeGetter implements DependencyInterface { /** * Get the next available value. */ public function get(): mixed { return time(); } /** * Get all available values. * * Used with variadic parameters. */ public function getAll(): array { return [$this->get()]; } /** * Check if there are available values. */ public function has(): bool { return true; } } $repository->setValue('string', 'Time Printer v1.2.1'); $repository->setCustom('int', new TimeGetter); $callable = function (string $app_name, int $time): void { echo 'Welcome to ' . $app_name . PHP_EOL; echo 'Current time is ' . $time . PHP_EOL; }; $resolver->call($callable);
Welcome to Time Printer v1.2.1
Current time is 1730041394
Fast dependencies
You can shorten the process of creating custom dependencies with the FastDependency
use Laucov\Injection\FastDependency; use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $count = 1; $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); $repository->setCustom('int', new FastDependency( get: function () use (&$count) { // Mandatory return $count++; }, getAll: function () use (&$count) { // Optional (returns [get()]) $values = $count > 5 ? [] : range($count, 5); $count = 5; return $values; }, has: fn () => $count <= 5, // Optional (always returns true) )); $resolver->call(function (int $a, int $b, int $c, int ...$others) { echo "a={$a}; b={$b}; c={$c}" . PHP_EOL; echo 'others: ' . implode(',', $others) . PHP_EOL; });
a=1; b=2; c=3 others: 4,5
Class name fallbacks
Child classes can be used to fullfil its parents:
use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; abstract class Animal { public const CELL_TYPE = 'eukaryotic'; } abstract class Bird extends Animal { public abstract function sing(): string; } abstract class Mammal extends Animal { public abstract function yell(): string; } class Duck extends Bird { public function sing(): string { return 'Quack!'; } } class Owl extends Bird { public function sing(): string { return 'Who!'; } } class Person extends Mammal { public function yell(): string { return 'Aaaaaaaah!'; } } class Lion extends Mammal { public function yell(): string { return 'Roaaaaaar!'; } } $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); $duck = new Duck; $lion = new Lion; $owl = new Owl; $person = new Person; $repository ->setValue(Duck::class, $duck) ->setValue(Lion::class, $lion) ->setValue(Owl::class, $owl) ->setValue(Person::class, $person) ->fallback(Duck::class) ->fallback(Lion::class); echo $resolver->call(fn (Bird $bird) => $bird->sing() . PHP_EOL); echo $resolver->call(fn (Mammal $mammal) => $mammal->yell() . PHP_EOL);
Custom rules
You can set custom resolution rules to run when the Repository
fails to find a registered dependency name.
Returning dependency names
Rules may return dependency names to redirect the dependency request to them:
use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); $repository ->setValue('int', 432) ->addRule( fn ($name) => in_array($name, ['float', 'string']), 'int', ); echo $resolver->call(fn (int $i, float $f, string $s) => var_export([ 'int' => $i, 'float' => $f, 'string' => $s, ])) . PHP_EOL;
array (
'int' => 432,
'float' => 432.0,
'string' => '432',
Returning resolution callbacks
A rule may also be used to provide custom resolution functions istead of name redirections. The function must return a DependencyInterface
use Laucov\Injection\FastDependency; use Laucov\Injection\Repository; use Laucov\Injection\Resolver; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; class Calculator { public function sum(int $a, int $b): int { return $a + $b; } } class Json { public function encode(mixed $subject): string { return json_encode($subject, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } } $repository = new Repository; $resolver = new Resolver($repository); $repository->addRule( fn ($name) => class_exists($name), fn ($name) => new FastDependency(fn () => new $name), ); echo $resolver->call(function (Calculator $calc, Json $json) { return $json->encode(['total' => $calc->sum(5, 6)]); }) . PHP_EOL;
{ "total": 11 }
Next features
- Resolve parameters by name.