
Authentication and Authorization Library for PHP


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  • Authentication Support BASIC, BEARER and SESSION
  • 3rd-party Authentication Support through SMTP or IMAP
  • Authorization Support
  • Cross-site Request Forgery Protection (phpCSRF)
  • 2-Factor Authentication Support (phpSMTP,phpSMS)
  • Hostname Validation
  • GDPR Cookie Compliance
  • CCPA Cookie Compliance
  • Email Verification

Why you might need it

If you are looking for an easy way to setup authentication and authorization in your project. This PHP Class is for you.

Can I use this?



This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. Please read LICENSE for information on the software availability and distribution.


  • PHP >= 7.3.0
  • MySQL or MariaDB


Please disclose any vulnerabilities found responsibly – report security issues to the maintainers privately.


  • User
  • Organization
  • Group
  • Role
  • Permission


This library also includes support for relationships. Here are the ones already used in phpAUTH:

  • User - Organization : User is a member of the Organization.
  • User - Group : User is a member of the Group.
  • User - Role : User is a member of the Role.
  • Organization - Organization : Organization is a member of the Organization. Also known as a Subsidiary.
  • Organization - Group : Organization can use the Group to manager it's members.
  • Organization - Role : Organization can use the Role to manager it's members.
  • Group - Role : Group is a member of the Role.

User Statuses

  • 1: User is deleted (soft)
  • 2: User is banned
  • 3: User is locked out
  • 4: User has reach a rate limit (request or attempts)
  • 5: User is inactive
  • 6: User's e-mail is not verified
  • 7: User does not have any restrictions. OK.

Understanding Roles and Groups

When using this library, permissions are assigned on roles. Roles can be assigned directly to a user or through a group of users. The highest permission level provided is used for validation. For example, if a user is member of role Administrator and User, both possess the permission Dashboard, Administrator's level is set to 4 and User's level is set to 1, then the effective permission level is 4.

Permission Levels

  • 0: No access allowed
  • 1: Read access allowed
  • 2: Create access allowed
  • 3: Edit access allowed
  • 4: Delete access allowed


Using Composer:

composer require laswitchtech/php-auth

How do I use it?

IMPORTANT NOTICE, phpAUTH does not handle http headers. phpAUTH relies on your application to handle those. If you want your application to throw 403 headers for exemple, you will need to use the related method for validation and then throw your headers accordingly.


There are many examples for you to check out in the example folder.


// Initiate Session

// These must be at the top of your script, not inside a function
use LaswitchTech\phpAUTH\phpAUTH;

// Load Composer's autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Initiate phpAUTH
$phpAUTH = new phpAUTH();

Generate a GDPR/CCPA Compliance HTML Form

// Generate a GDPR/CCPA Compliance HTML Form with Bootstrap 5

Check if we can access through a specific hostname

// Check if we can access through a specific hostname

Check if a User has a specific permission

// Check if a User has a specific permission
$phpAUTH->Authorization->hasPermission($Name, $Level)

Check if a User was authenticated

// Check if a User was authenticated

Check if 2FA Request is ready

This method is useful to determine when to show the 2FA form.

// Check if 2FA Request is ready

Check if email is verified

This method is useful to determine if the user's email address has been verified.

// Check if email is verified

Logout user

This method logs out the user.

// Logout user

Retrieve Authentication Error

This method retrieves authentication errors.

// Retrieve Authentication Error

Retrieve Authentication Status

This method retrieves the user's status.

// Retrieve Authentication Status

Using Managers

First managers allow you to manage objects such as Users, Organizations, Groups, Roles and Permissions

// Create a Manager
$Manager = $phpAUTH->manage("users");

// Retrieve all Objects
$Objects = $Manager->read();

// Retrieve single Object
$Objects = $Manager->read($Identifier);

Using Objects

// Create

// Read

// Update
// Or
$Manager->update($Identifier, $Fields);

// Delete
// Or

// Link
$Object->link($Table, $Id);

// Unlink
$Object->unlink($Table, $Id);

Installer Example

// Initiate Session

// These must be at the top of your script, not inside a function
use LaswitchTech\phpLogger\phpLogger;
use LaswitchTech\phpSMS\phpSMS;
use LaswitchTech\SMTP\phpSMTP;
use LaswitchTech\phpDB\Database;
use LaswitchTech\phpAUTH\phpAUTH;

// Load Composer's autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Initiate phpLogger
$phpLogger = new phpLogger();

// Configure phpLogger
$phpLogger->config("level",0); // Set Logging Level

// Initiate phpSMS
$phpSMS = new phpSMS();

// Configure phpSMS
       ->config('sid', 'your_account_sid')
       ->config('token', 'your_auth_token')
       ->config('phone', 'your_twilio_phone_number');

// Initiate phpDB
$phpDB = new Database();

// Configure phpDB

// Initiate phpSMTP
$phpSMTP = new phpSMTP();

// Configure phpSMTP

// Construct Hostnames
$Hostnames = ["localhost","::1",""];
if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && !in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],$Hostnames)){
  $Hostnames[] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && !in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$Hostnames)){
  $Hostnames[] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

// Initiate phpAUTH
$phpAUTH = new phpAUTH();

// Configure phpAUTH
        ->config("basic",false) // Enable/Disable Basic Authentication
        ->config("bearer",false) // Enable/Disable Bearer Token Authentication
        ->config("request",true) // Enable/Disable Request Authentication
        ->config("cookie",true) // Enable/Disable Cookie Authentication
        ->config("session",true) // Enable/Disable Session Authentication
        ->config("2fa",true) // Enable/Disable 2-Factor Authentication
        ->config("maxAttempts",5) // Max amount of authentication attempts per windowAttempts
        ->config("maxRequests",1000) // Max amount of API request per windowRequests
        ->config("lockoutDuration",1800) // 30 mins
        ->config("windowAttempts",100) // 100 seconds
        ->config("windowRequests",60) // 60 seconds
        ->config("window2FA",60) // 60 seconds
        ->config("windowVerification",2592000) // 30 Days

// Install phpAUTH
$Installer = $phpAUTH->install();

// Create a User
$User = $Installer->create("user",["username" => ""]);

// Create an API
$API = $Installer->create("api",["username" => ""]);