
Database localization package for Laravel

1.0.5 2023-11-26 13:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 14:06:33 UTC


It's a little package for database localization in laravel. Now you can change localized fields through the database. Actually, all localized fields from table will be cached in a week. Package will be useful for interface localization, or for some static content.


composer require larasup/localiztion


1. Add the service provider to config/app.php

'providers' => [

2. Run localization migration

php artisan migrate


1. Prepare your model

Add Localize trait, $localize property into your Eloquent model and implements iLocalize interface for phpStorm support.

class Category extends Model implements iLocalize
    use Localize;

    protected array $localize = ['title'];

After this step your model will have title field.

2. Now you can use it

2.1 Getting models with localized field

public static function getLocalizedCategories(): Collection
        $categories = Category::query()

        LocalizationService::enrichCollection($categories, Category::class);

        return $categories;

After this you can get localized field from model

$categories = getLocalizedCategories();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
    echo $category->title;

Notice: it's a virtual field and you can't use it in where clause. May be it can be fixed in next versions.

2.2 Setting localized field

If you want to set localized field, you should use setLocalizedField method.

    $objectClass, // $model->getMorphName() for example 'App/Models/Category'
    $modelPrimaryValue, // $model->getKey() for example 1
    $field, // Name of localized field, in our case 'title'
    $value, // Value of localized field, for example 'Categoría de prueba'
    $language // Language of localized field, for example 'es'