
Eloquent model reviews for Laravel.

1.0.0 2023-07-18 11:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 17:41:47 UTC


The Larastash Reviews package is a powerful Laravel package that enables you to add review functionalities to your Eloquent models.

With this package, you can easily manage reviews for various reviewable entities and perform various review-related operations.


  • Laravel ^10;
  • PHP ^8.1;


To install the Larastash Reviews package, you can use Composer:

composer require larastash/reviews

After installing the package, publish migration and config files:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="larastash:reviews"

Note You can edit migration and set foreignUuid if your user model uses a UUID.

Prepare Models

To use the Larastash Reviews package, you need to apply the Reviewable trait to the Eloquent model that you want to make reviewable.

namespace App\Models;

use Larastash\Reviews\Concerns\Reviewable;

class Product extends Model
    use Reviewable;


Additionally, you can apply the Reviewer trait to the User model.

namespace App\Models;

use Larastash\Reviews\Concerns\Reviewer;

class User extends Model
    use Reviewer;



The following examples demonstrate the usage of the Laravel package for managing reviews.

  • review($product): Creates a new Larastash\Reviews\Review instance for the given $product. It returns a Larastash\Reviews\Review instance.
  • $product->review(): An alternative way to create a new Larastash\Reviews\Review instance for the given $product. It also returns a Larastash\Reviews\Review instance.

Creates or updates a review for the $product entity with the provided values. The parameters $value, $body, $title, $extra, and $userId are used to set the properties of the review.

$product->review($value, $body, $title, $extra, $userId);

Publish Reviews

To create a new review (uses updateOrCreate under the hood), use the publish method.

review($product)->publish(5); // only value
review($product)->publish(5, 'I love it!'); // value & body
review($product)->publish(5, 'I love it!', 'Awesome'); // value, body & title
review($product)->publish(5, title: 'Awesome'); // value & title

With Extra Data

You can pass additional data to the review, such as approved, anonymous review, recommended, etc.

review($product)->extra(['approved' => false, 'recommended' => 1])->publish(5);
review($product)->with('approved', false)->with('recommended', 1)->publish(5);

Note You can also work with this data, for example, choose an average extra value or get only approved reviews.

Another User (Reviewer)

Publish review as another user.


Note By default, the overview is owned by the current authorized user (by Auth::id()).

Update Review

Sometimes, when we have some extra data, for example, we need to change only approved, then we can use the update method.

review($product)->with('approved', true)->update(5);
review($product)->by(User::find(1337))->with('approved', true)->update(5);
review($product)->by(1337)->with('approved', true)->update(5);

It will change the value approved to true, and will not affect other extra data, such as recommended.

Of course, you can use the publish method to update the review. But then you will need to pass the full current extra data, not just the approved = true.

User Has Review

Check if the user has a review or not.


Delete Review

Deletes the user's review.


Total Number of Reviews

Get the total number of reviews for a entry.


Avg Value and Extras

Get the average value of a review.

review($product)->avg(precision: 0); // 2 by default

Get the average extra value of a review.

review($product)->avg('recommended', 0); // precision is 2 by default

Reviewable Query Builder

Get the review query builder instance.


Eager Loading

$product = Product::with('reviews');

Related Reviewable Methods

$product = Product::withReviewAvgValue();
$product = Product::withReviewAvgExtra('recommended')->first();
use App\Models\Product;
use Larastash\Reviews\Models\Review;


Get User Reviews

This will be available if you add the Larastash\Reviews\Concerns\Reviewer trait to the User model.




This function, review, is a helper function provided by the Laravel package.

It creates a new Larastash\Reviews\Review instance for the given reviewable entity (a model that uses the Reviewable trait). This function is particularly useful when you want to interact with the review-related methods of the Review class for a specific model instance. It saves you from manually creating a new Review instance each time you want to perform actions related to reviews for a specific entity.


$ composer test


If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contribute by creating a pull request or submitting an issue.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.