
Larashed - Laravel monitoring toolkit

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

8.1.2 2021-08-06 13:11 UTC


Build Status

This package hooks into your Laravel application and sends monitoring data to

Version Compatibility

We support all Laravel versions from 5.2.x

Laravel Larashed Agent
5.2.x 5.2.x
5.3.x 5.3.x
5.4.x 5.4.x
5.5.x 5.5.x
5.6.x 5.6.x
5.7.x. 5.7.x
5.8.x. 5.8.x
6.x 6.x
7.x 7.x
8.x 8.x

Only Linux based environments are supported. macOS and Windows are coming.

Installation for Laravel 8.x

Using the composer require command:

composer require larashed/agent

Installation for Laravel 7.x

Using the composer require command:

composer require larashed/agent:7.*

Installation for Laravel 6.x

Using the composer require command:

composer require larashed/agent:6.*

Installation for Laravel 5.x

Using the composer require command:

composer require larashed/agent:5.x.*

For Laravel 5.4 and below, add service provider



Edit your .env file and add the following:


If you'd like to disable monitoring for certain environments use:


By default requests are tracked with your application's user's Id and name. If you'd like to disable it, use:


In some cases you may need to configure the agent to use a socket path not relative to the project's storage directory. If you're running Linux on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), you cannot make use of unix domain sockets located in /mnt.

To change the directory of the domain socket use:


Running the agent

Artisan command

php artisan larashed:agent


We recommend using Supervisord to keep the agent daemon alive, but you can use any software you prefer to keep it running.

command=php /home/forge/ larashed:agent

Laravel Forge

For Laravel Forge users, go to your Server details page and setup a new Daemon.

Forge setup


Under development.

Tracking deployments

php artisan larashed:deploy

Publishing config file

The default agent config should suffice for most users, however if you need to change it, you'll have to publish it first. To publish larashed.php configuration file, run:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=larashed

Golang agent

The larashed/agent PHP composer package hooks into your application and collects the necessary metrics (HTTP requests, queue jobs, database queries, etc.), that data is then sent over IPC using a UNIX domain socket.

When you run php artisan larashed:agent, it downloads our Golang agent which is responsible for a number of things:

  • Starts the socket server
  • Collects and sends server metrics
  • Sends application metrics received from this package

We'd love to hear your feedback!

If you have any questions, feature requests, issues or just want to say hi, don't hesitate to get in touch via For issues regarding this package, please submit a new issue in this repository.