
GuardShield é um repositório laravel com a função de aplicar regras de permissionamento, utilizando agrupamento de regras e permissões.

v1.0.0 2024-02-02 23:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-04 01:23:22 UTC



GuardShield is a laravel repository with the function of applying permission rules, using grouping of rules and permissions. follow the step-by-step instructions below to install the repository.

This repository is only compatible with laravel: 8.* to 10.*


First Step, execute the command.

composer require larakeeps/guard-shield

Second step, add the service provider. Open app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php or the GuardShield::generateGates() method in the Service Provider's public function boot().

use Larakeeps\GuardShield\Facades\GuardShield;

class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(): void
        //rest of your code......

Third step, add the middleware. Open app/Http/Kernel.php and add a new item to the middlewareAliases array.

protected $middlewareAliases = [
    // ...
    'rolecan' => \Larakeeps\GuardShield\Http\Middleware\GuardShieldTrustRole::class,

Fourth step add the trait and the necessary parameter to your model. Open Models/User.php

use Larakeeps\GuardShield\Traits\GuardShield;

class User extends Authenticatable
  use GuardShield, HasApiTokens, HasFactory;

  protected $with = ['roles'];

  //.... rest of the model code

Fifth step, run the migration to create the tables: guard_shield_roles, guard_shield_role_user, guard_shield_assigns, guard_shield_permissions

php artisan migrate

Creating Group of Rules and Permissions Using Model

use \Larakeeps\GuardShield\Models\Role;
use \Larakeeps\GuardShield\Models\Permission;

$role = Role::new("Administrator", "Rule group for administrators."); // Creating a new permission group.
$permission = Permission::new("Edit User", "Permission to edit user."); // Creating a new permission.
$role->assignPermission($permission); // Linking the permission to a permission group.

//Creating a Rule, permissions and Linking the created permissions to the permission group.

$permissions = [
    ["View User", "Permission to view user"],
    ["Create User", "Permission to create user"],
    ["Edit User", "Permission to edit user"],
    ["Delete User", "Permission to delete user"]

Role::newRoleAndPermissions("Administrator", "Rule group for administrators.", $permissions);

//Creating a Rule and Linking existing permissions to the created permission group.

$permissions = ["View User", "Create User", "Edit User", "Delete User"];

Role::newRoleAndAssignPermissions("Administrator", "Rule group for administrators.", $permissions);

// Activating and Deactivating a permission.

Permission::setActive("View User", false);

Creating Rules and Permissions Groups Using Facade

use Larakeeps\GuardShield\Facades\GuardShield;

$role = GuardShield::newRole("Administrator", "Rule group for administrators."); // Creating a new permission group
$permission = GuardShield::newPermission("Edit User", "Permission to edit user"); // Creating a new permission
$role->assignPermission($permission); // Linking the permission to a permission group.

// OR

GuardShield::assignPermission($role, $permission);

//Creating a Rule, permissions and Linking the created permissions to the permission group.

$permissions = [
     ["View User", "Permission to view user"],
     ["Create User", "Permission to create user"],
     ["Edit User", "Permission to edit user"],
     ["Delete User", "Permission to delete user"],

GuardShield::newRoleAndPermissions("Administrator", "Rule group for administrators.", $permissions);

//Creating a Rule and Linking existing permissions to the created permission group.

$permissions = ["View User", "Create User", "Edit User", "Delete User"];

GuardShield::newRoleAndAssignPermissions("Administrator", "Rule group for administrators.", $permissions);

// Activating and Deactivating a permission

GuardShield::setActivePermission("View User", false);

Checking the existence of rule groups and permissions created.

use Larakeeps\GuardShield\Facades\GuardShield;

$hasPermission = ["View User", "Create User", "Update User", "Delete User"];

 * Power one or more rules by passing an array as a parameter
 * The same goes for permissions
 * @method static bool hasRoleAndPermission(string|array $role, string|array $permission)
 * */

$hasRolesAndPermissions = GuardShield::hasRoleAndPermission('user' , $hasPermission);

    return "The Rule Group and permissions exist."

 * Check whether one or more rule groups exist.
 * @method static bool hasRole(string|array $role)
 * */
$hasRoles = GuardShield::hasRole(['administrator', 'user']);

    return "Rule Groups exist."

 * Check whether one or more rule groups exist.
 * @method static bool hasPermission(string|array $role)
 * */
$permissions = ["View User", "Create User", "Update User", "Delete User"];
$hasPermission = GuardShield::hasPermission($permissions);

    return "Permissions exist."

//Unless methods for validation.

Viewing the created rules and permissions.

use Larakeeps\GuardShield\Facades\GuardShield;

//@method allRoles(): Collection
return GuardShield::allRoles();

 * Returned array: 
 * [
            "key": "administrator",
            "name": "Administrator",
            "description": "Role to administrator",
            "permissions": [
                    "key": "viewuser",
                    "name": "View User",
                    "description": "Permission to view user.",
                    "params": null,
                    "active": true
            "key": "user",
            "name": "user",
            "description": "Role to user",
            "permissions": [
                    "key": "viewuser",
                    "name": "View User",
                    "description": "Permission to view user.",
                    "params": null,
                    "active": true
// @method getRole(array|string $role): Collection
return GuardShield::getRole(['administrator', 'user']);

 * Returned array: 
 * [
            "key": "administrator",
            "name": "Administrator",
            "description": "Role to administrator",
            "permissions": [
                    "key": "viewuser",
                    "name": "View User",
                    "description": "Permission to view user.",
                    "params": null,
                    "active": true
            "key": "user",
            "name": "user",
            "description": "Role to user",
            "permissions": [
                    "key": "viewuser",
                    "name": "View User",
                    "description": "Permission to view user.",
                    "params": null,
                    "active": true
//@method allPermissions(): Collection 
return GuardShield::allPermissions();

 * Returned array: 
 * [
        "key": "viewuser",
        "name": "View User",
        "description": "Permission to view user.",
        "params": null,
        "active": true
        "key": "createuser",
        "name": "Create User",
        "description": "Permission to create user.",
        "params": null,
        "active": true
//@method getPermission(array|string $permission): Collection 
return GuardShield::getPermission(['View User', 'Create User']);

 * Returned array: 
 * [
        "key": "viewuser",
        "name": "View User",
        "description": "Permission to view user.",
        "params": null,
        "active": true
        "key": "createuser",
        "name": "Create User",
        "description": "Permission to create user.",
        "params": null,
        "active": true

Assign a rule group to a user


// OR


// OR


How to Use GuardShield

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate;
use Larakeeps\GuardShield\Facades\GuardShield;

// Using Gates
if(Gate::allows('Edit User')){
    return "User contains the necessary permission to perform the action.";

// Check whether the user has the permission and whether the permission is part of a permission group.
if(Gate::allows('Edit User', "Administrator")){
    return "User contains the necessary permission to perform the action.";


// Using GuardShield
if(GuardShield::allows('Edit User')){
    return "User contains the necessary permission to perform the action.";

// Check if the user has the permission and if the permission is part of a permission group.
if(GuardShield::allows('Edit User', "Administrator")){
     return "User has the necessary permission to perform the action.";


// Using the Model
     return "User is part of the permission group.";


// Using Middleware to check permissions

Route::post("edit-user", function (\Illuminate\Http\Request $request){
      return "User has the necessary permission to perform the action."

})->middleware(['auth:sanctum', "can:Edit User,Delete User"]);

// Using Middleware to check permission group

Route::post("edit-user", function (\Illuminate\Http\Request $request){
      return "User is part of the permission group";

})->middleware(['auth:sanctum', "rolecan:admin,user"]);

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