
AuthGuard OTP is a package intended for random code generation, validation and confirmation (OTP).

v1.0.0 2024-02-04 00:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-05 15:55:24 UTC


AuthGuard OTP

AuthGuard OTP is a package intended for random code generation, validation and confirmation (OTP). Normally the OTP is used with a validator code or token that is sent by email or SMS to authenticate or authorize a certain action in the project.

This repository is only compatible with laravel: 7.* to 11.*


First Step, execute the command.

composer require larakeeps/authguard-otp

Second step, run the migration to create the tables: auth_guard_otp_codes

php artisan migrate

Third step, publish the authguard configuration, to publish the configurations run the command below:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=authguard-otp-config 

Generating otp code

use Larakeeps\AuthGuard\Facades\OTP;

 * The create method has 3 parameters, 1 mandatory and 2 optional.
 * The $reference parameter is used with the assertive condition function in code validation.
 * The $email parameter is used in the same way as the $reference parameter
 * @param string $phone : required
 * @param string $email : optional
 * @param string $reference : optional
 * @method static OTP create(string $phone, string|null $email, string|null $reference)
 * */

$createOTP = OTP::create('phone number', 'email', 'reference');

// To retrieve the method return, call the following methods below.

 * The then method returns 2 parameters, $data of type AuthGuard, and $response of type Collection.
 * @method then(Closure $destination)
 * */
$createOTP->then(function (AuthGuard|null $data, Collection $response){
        * the $data parameter returns the null or Authguard model containing the table columns.
        * The $response parameter returns a collection containing the following data: 
        * number_digits, code, message, status, user.access_token, user.ip_address
        return $data->expires_at; // returns a value of type Carbon::class;
            return $response->message;

// OR through the get() method that returns a Collection

return $createOTP->get();

// OR like this

return OTP::get();

// OR through the getResponse() method that returns a Collection

return $createOTP->getResponse();

// OR like this

return OTP::getResponse();

// OR can be called individually using methods

return OTP::getData()->expires_at; // returns a value of type Carbon::class;

    return OTP::getMessage();

return OTP::getAccessToken();
return OTP::getIpAddress();

Checking for the existence of generated code and viewing the generated data.

use Larakeeps\AuthGuard\Facades\OTP;

 * Method to check if the generated code exists.
 * $phone parameter is used for better code verification assertiveness.
 * @method static bool hasCode(string $code, string|null $phone)
 * */

$hasCode = OTP::hasCode('154896');

    return "The code exist."

 * Method for finding and returning data.
 * $phone parameter is used for better code verification assertiveness.
 * @method static OTP getByCode(string $code, string|null $phone)
 * */

$authGuardFounded = OTP::getByCode('154896', '5521985642205');

    return $authGuardFounded

Confirm whether the code entered is valid and whether it was actually confirmed.

use Larakeeps\AuthGuard\Facades\OTP;

 * The create method has 3 parameters, 2 mandatory and 1 optional.
 * The $reference parameter is used with the assertive condition function in code validation.
 * @param string $code : required
 * @param string $phone : required
 * @param string $reference : optional
 * @method static OTP confirm(string $code, string $phone, string|null $reference)
 * */
$validateCode = OTP::confirm('154896', '5521985642205'); 

// To retrieve the method return, call the following methods below.

 * The then method returns 2 parameters, $data of type AuthGuard, and $response of type Collection.
 * @method then(Closure $destination)
 * */
$validateCode->then(function (null $data, Collection $response){
        * Within the confirm() method, the $data parameter will always return a null value.
        * The $response parameter returns a collection containing the following data: 
        * number_digits, code, message, status, user.access_token, user.ip_address
        if($response->status && OTP::isConfirmed()){
            return $response->message;
        return $response->message;

// OR through the getResponse() method that returns a Collection

return $createOTP->getResponse();

// OR like this

return OTP::getResponse();

// OR can be called individually using methods

    return OTP::getMessage();

return OTP::getAccessToken();
return OTP::getIpAddress();

Deleting an OTP code.

use Larakeeps\AuthGuard\Facades\OTP;

 * @method OTP deleteCode(string $code)
 * */
$deletedCode = OTP::deleteCode();

// To retrieve the method return, call the following methods below.

 * The then method returns 2 parameters, $data of type AuthGuard, and $response of type Collection.
 * @method then(Closure $destination)
 * */
$validateCode->then(function (null $data, Collection $response){
        * Within the deleteCode() method, the $data parameter will always return a null value.
        * The $response parameter returns a collection containing the following data: 
        * number_digits, code, message, status, user.access_token, user.ip_address
            return $response->message;

// OR through the getResponse() method that returns a Collection

return $createOTP->getResponse();

// OR like this

return OTP::getResponse();

// OR can be called individually using methods

    return OTP::getMessage();

return OTP::getAccessToken();
return OTP::getIpAddress();

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