
v1.2 2021-08-23 16:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 22:00:08 UTC


This package provides a trait for Model to fill userstamp fields.


Run command in console

composer require laragrad/eloquent-model-userstamps


Preparing table

Add into your model's table migration userstamp fields. It's type must be same as type of user id. You can use default created_by, updated_by, deleted_by field names or any other.

You can use Laragrad\Support\Userstamps methods addUserstampColumns() to add or dropUserstampColumns() drop columns in your migration file.

For example, to add userstamps columns:


use ...;
use Laragrad\Support\Userstamps as UserstampsSupport; // Add use

class CreateExampleTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('examples', function (Blueprint $table) {
            UserstampsSupport::addUserstampsColumns($table); // Creating columns



If you use soft deleting in your table then put true into 2nd argument. To change type of your userstamps columns you can put 'uuid' or 'integer' or 'bigInteger' into 3rd argument. By default created columns has default names. If your userstamp columns have not default names then put column name array into 4th argument.

For example:

UserstampsSupport::addUserstampsColumns($table, true, 'uuid', ['create_user_id','update_user_id','deleted_user_id']);

To drop columns you can use UserstampsSupport::dropUserstampsColumns(). For example

UserstampsSupport::dropUserstampsColumns($table, true, ['create_user_id','update_user_id','deleted_user_id']);

Preparing model

Add next changes into your table model class:

  • add use trait \Laragrad\Models\Concerns\HasUserstamps into your model class;

  • add property public $userstamps = true;

    use Laragrad\Models\Concerns\HasUserstamps; // (1)

    class YourModel extends Model { use HasUserstamps; // (2)

    public $userstamps = true;					 // (3)


The created_by and updated_by fields in your model will now be populated in the same way as the timestamp fields when you create or update the model. If your model uses SoftDeletes trait, will also be processed field, deleted_by.

Using custom userstamp field names

If your table userstamp field names are not defaults then declare next constants in your model:

class YourModel extends Model
	const CREATED_BY = 'your_created_by_field_name'; 
	const UPDATED_BY = 'your_updated_by_field_name'; 
	const DELETED_BY = 'your_deleted_by_field_name'; 