
Laravel well-structured file manager

1.0.0 2023-06-13 10:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 12:53:58 UTC


LaraFiler is a well-structured file manager package for Laravel. It provides a convenient way to manage and handle files within your Laravel application. With LaraFiler, you can easily upload, download, delete, and organize files.


You can install LaraFiler via Composer by running the following command:

composer require larafiler/larafiler

LaraFiler will be automatically discovered and registered in your Laravel application.


After installing LaraFiler, you can publish its configuration file using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaraFiler\Providers\LaraFilerServiceProvider"

This will publish the larafm.php configuration file to your application's config directory. You can customize the settings in this file according to your needs.

Don't forget to migrate larafm required table

php artisan migrate


Uploading Files

To upload a file using LaraFiler, you can use the LaraFiler facade's upload method. Here's an example:

use LaraFiler\Facades\LaraFiler;

$file = $request->file('file');
$uploader = LaraFiler::upload($file); // Must be instance of Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile
$document = $uploader->eloquent();

The upload method accepts an instance of Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile as the first parameter. It will store the file in the appropriate location and return the file path.

Downloading or viewing Files

You can download or view a file using LaraFiler by providing the file path to the download or inline method:

use LaraFiler\Facades\LaraFiler;
use LaraFiler\Models\LarafmDocument;

$slug = 'FV8gQzAa4DkUHaM6NaWBKgYCdRWomry4';
$document = LarafmDocument::where('slug', $slug)->first();
return LaraFiler::download($document);
// or
return LaraFiler::inline($document);
// or
return LaraFiler::download($slug);
// or
return LaraFiler::inline($slug);

The download || inline method will return response with the document or slug as parameters.

Deleting Files

To delete a file, you can use the delete method:

use LaraFiler\Facades\LaraFiler;
use LaraFiler\Models\LarafmDocument;

$slug = 'FV8gQzAa4DkUHaM6NaWBKgYCdRWomry4';
$document = LarafmDocument::where('slug', $slug)->first();
return LaraFiler::delete($document);

// or
return LaraFiler::delete($slug);

The delete method will remove the file and thumbnails created from the storage and database.

API Reference

LaraFiler Facade

The LaraFiler facade provides the following methods:

  • upload(UploadedFile $file): LaraFilerResponse|LaraFilerUploader: Uploads the given file and returns the file path.
  • download(LarafmDocument|string $doc): LaraFilerResponse: Downloads the file with the given path for download.
  • inline(LarafmDocument|string $doc): LaraFilerResponse: Streams the file with the given path for download.
  • delete(LarafmDocument|string $doc): bool: Deletes the file with the given path. Returns true on success.


LaraFiler is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.


Thank you for considering contributing to LaraFiler! You can contribute by opening issues, submitting pull requests, or providing suggestions and feedback.


If you encounter any issues or have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub.


LaraFiler is developed and maintained by Ali Akbar


We would like to express our gratitude to the Laravel community for their continuous support and inspiration.


Detailed changes for each release will be documented in the release notes.