
Laravel Application JS core

Installs: 9 915

Dependents: 4

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0




Execute modes

Mode "exec"

 * Method for one or multiple call.
 * @param data {string|Array|Object} executed data
 * @param params {array|any} executed params for one call
 * @param storage_data {Object} Executor storage (
 * @returns {null}
ljs.exec(data, params = null, storage_data = {});

 * Execute helper.
 * @param command {string|Array|Object} executed data
 * @param params {any} executed params for one call
 * @returns {*}
exec(command, ...params);

 * String Prototypes
"toast:error".exec('Error message');
"toast:error".exec('Error message', 'Error');

//Send param to executor

 * Array Prototypes
//Map executors for params
["toast::success","console.log"].exec('New message');
["toast::success","console.log"].exec('message text', 'New message');

//To map. Each element of the array as a new parameter for the next call.
["You have 5 new followers","New message from user"].tom('toast:success');
[["5 new", "Followers"],["message text","Message"]].tom('toast:success');

//Parameters to pass to the function.
["message", "title"].to('toast:success'); 
[["message", "title"]].tom('toast:success');


One execute
ljs.exec('toast::success', 'User successful auth!');
ljs.exec('toast::success', ['Success auth!', 'User']);
// or
exec('toast::success', 'User success auth!');
exec('toast::success', 'Success auth!', 'User');
Multiple execute
    'toast::success': 'User successful auth!',
    'toast::warning': ['Needle enter a profile data!', 'Profile']
// or

Mode "call" single string line

 * Call mode
 * @param command {string} executed data
 * @param storage
 * @returns {undefined|*}
 */, storage = {});

 * Call helper
 * @param command {string} executed data
 * @param storage
 * @returns {*}
call(command, storage = {});

 * String Prototypes
"toast:success(Success auth)".call();

 * Array Prototypes
["toast:success(Success auth)", "toast:warning(Enter a phone number, Profile)"].call()

Call single line syntax:

toast:error(Some error text, Error title, {"progressBar": true})
// or

In brackets is the body for the parameters. Separate parameters with commas, be careful not to use the , symbol in the parameters only if you need to add the following parameter.

Examples"toast:success(Success auth)");
// or 
call("toast:success(Success auth)");

Mode "parse" single string line

 * String parse
 * @param str
 * @param storage
 * @returns {*}
ljs.parse(str, storage = {});

 * String Prototypes
"My location is >>location.href".parse();

 * Array Prototypes
["toast:success(Success auth)", "toast:warning(Enter a phone number, Profile)"].call()

To indicate a call to a string format function, you must specify the input character >> before calling it.

Executor extends

1 - Create you js executor file 'resources/js/executors/Root.js'

'use strict';

class Root extends Executor {

     * For call without method.
     * (don't required)
     * @param text
     * @public
    __invoke (text = "My executor") {
        // - Executor storage

        return text;
     * Magic method "How PHP".
     * (don't required)
     * @param $name
     * @param $arguments
     * @public
    __call ($name, $arguments) {

     * Class name for call.
     * If don't set, name becomes equal to class name.
     * (don't required)
     * @returns {null|string}
     * @private
    static __name () {

        return "root";

     * Array of aliases from object.
     * (don't required)
     * @returns {{}}
    static __aliases () {

        return [];

     * Individual method name getter.
     * (don't required)
     * @returns {string}
     * @private
    static __individual_method () {

        return "__invoke";

module.exports = Message;

2 - Inject extend in LJS


3 - Call a new extension

call('root', 'I Love Shaurma');
"I created >>root".parse();


  1. && - Send globally passed parameters to the next call.
  2. & - Send undefined to the next call.
  3. # - Send null to the next call.
  4. * - Send the results of the previous execution to the next call.
  5. > - Send global parameters along with previous results.
  6. [0-9]> - Send the result number from the beginning of the line.
  7. [0-9]>> - Send the result number from the end of the line.


"location.origin & location.pathname > toast".exec();
// or
"document.title > confirm".exec();

Default LJS Executors

Alert system

Extend documentation

errors [msg, msg,...]
message [msg]

Show success message:

toast:success [message]
toast:success [message, title = null, options = {}]
toast:success [{'text': 'message text', 'title': 'message title', 'options': {}}]
toast::success //public method

Show error message:

toast:error [message]
toast:error [message, title = null, options = {}]
toast:error [{'text': 'message text', 'title': 'message title', 'options': {}}]
toast::error //public method

Show info message:

toast:info [message]
toast:info [message, title = null, options = {}]
toast:info [{'text': 'message text', 'title': 'message title', 'options': {}}]
toast::info //public method

Show warning message:

toast:warning [message]
toast:warning [message, title = null, options = {}]
toast:warning [{'text': 'message text', 'title': 'message title', 'options': {}}]
toast::warning //public method

Show toast message:

toast [message]
toast [message, title = null, options = {}, type = "info"]
toast [{'text': 'message text', 'title': 'message title', 'options': {}}]
ljs.exec('errors', ['error1', 'error2']);
ljs.exec('message', 'message text');
ljs.exec('toast:success', 'success static message');
ljs.exec('toast::success', 'success message');
ljs.exec('toast::success', ['message', 'title', {'progressBar': true}]);
ljs.exec('toast::success', {'text': 'message', 'title': 'title', 'options': {'progressBar': true}});


Public methods

LJS Event dispatch:

doc::dispatch_event [event]

Set document title

doc::title [title]

Set document location:

doc::location [location]
doc::set_location [location]

Reload document:

doc::reload [null]

JQuery decorator

Equivalent to $('$element').show()

jq::show [$element]

Equivalent to $('$element').hide()

jq::hide [$element]

Equivalent to $('$element').html($data)

jq::html [$element, $data = '']

Equivalent to $('$element').replaceWith($data)

jq::replace [$element, $data = '']

Equivalent to $('$element').append($data)

jq::append [$element, $data = '']

Equivalent to $('$element').submit()

jq::submit [$element]

Set attributes

jq::attribute [$element, $attribute_name, $attribute_value]
jq::attribute [$element, {'attribute_name': 'attribute_value',...}]

//Or on with element
jq::attribute [$attribute_name, $attribute_value]
jq::attribute [{'attribute_name': 'attribute_value',...}]

Global eval:

jq::eval [data]
jq::globalEval [data]

Alert Swal

Alert success

swal::success [text]
swal::success [title, text]
alert::success [text]
alert::success [title, text]

Alert warning

swal::warning [text]
swal::warning [title, text]
alert::warning [text]
alert::warning [title, text]

Alert error

swal::error [text]
swal::error [title, text]
alert::error [text]
alert::error [title, text]

Alert info

swal [text]
swal [title, text]
alert [text]
alert [title, text]
swal::info [text]
swal::info [title, text]
alert::info [text]
alert::info [title, text]

Alert question

swal::question [text]
swal::question [title, text]
alert::question [text]
alert::question [title, text]


Create timeout timer

timer::out {1000: ExecutedData, 2000: ExecutedData,...}
1000 - ms
2000 - ms

Create timer interval

timer::interval [name, ExecutedData, ms = 1000]

Clear timer interval

timer::clear [name]
//Create interval in 2 second and clear him by timeout 6 sec
    'timer::interval': [
        'my_timer', {'toast::success': 'Timer tik!'}, 2000
    'timer::out': {
        6000: {'timer::clear': 'my_timer'}

Global variables

Set variable

var::set [path, value, save = false]

Merge global variables

var::merge [{path: value,...}, save = false]

Set and save variable (save on localstorage)

var::save [path, value]

Only forgot variable (delete from localstorage)

var::forgot [path, value]

Unset variable

var::unset [path]

Get variable

var::get [path = null]

Get variable names (keys)

var::keys [null]