

Laravel Authentication Log


A package to listen for various Authenticatable events and log them in a database


To install, enter the following inside the terminal within your working directory:

composer require langleyfoxall/laravel-authentication-log

Once the package has been installed, run your migrations and ensure to use the trait HasAuthenticatable in all models to be logged.

All events are logged within the authentication_log_records table.


Within the auth-log.php config file, you may specfiy what you would like to log. You may change:

  • Events to log, by commenting out the unwanted events,
  • Credentials to not be logged, by adding the fields within credentialsToOmit,
  • Fields to not be logged, by adding the fields within fieldsToOmit,
  • Accepted Guards, by adding the specified guards within acceptedGuards


php artisan laravel-authentication-log:showlog

This command will display the data stored in the Authentication Log Records table


This package can log the following:

  • Successful Logins
  • Failed Logins
  • Successful Logouts
  • Password Resets
  • Lockouts
  • Registering New Users

Features can be configured through config/auth-log.php.