
Uses cryptographically-secure randomization to generate a password of a given length from given sets of characters.

1.0.0 2020-08-18 03:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 19:26:18 UTC


A PHP library that uses cryptographically-secure randomization to generate a password of a given length from given sets of characters.


With Composer installed on your computer and initialized for your project, run this command in your project’s root directory:

composer require lamansky/random-password

Requires PHP 7.1 or above.


use Lamansky\RandomPassword\RandomPasswordFactory;

// The alpha() static method returns a factory that will generate passwords
// which alternate between uppercase and lowercase characters.
$rpf = RandomPasswordFactory::alpha();
echo $rpf->generate(8);  // sJtNbZtA
echo $rpf->generate(10); // UcBkCwHdYm

// A numeric() factory uses only numbers.
echo RandomPasswordFactory::numeric()->generate(8); // 54088998

// An alphanumeric() factory rotates between lowercase letters, uppercase
// letters, and numbers.
echo RandomPasswordFactory::alphanumeric()->generate(10); // r9Tj4Nw5Qn

// If you want a truly random alphanumeric password, without rotation between
// character sets, you can instead construct your own factory with a `uln`
// configuration string. Because passwords generated from such a factory
// are more random, they will, ironically, sometimes look *less* random, since
// such passwords could theoretically spell a word, or consist solely of
// uppercase letters, for example.
echo (new RandomPasswordFactory('uln'))->generate(10); // fWQeV8WBNn

// A loweralphanumeric() factory is like alphanumeric() but without uppercase letters.
echo RandomPasswordFactory::loweralphanumeric()->generate(8); // p7h2q4e2

// An ascii() factory rotates between lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and symbols.
$rpf = RandomPasswordFactory::ascii();
$rpf->generate(12); // 7R_y5M#f8E@t
$rpf->generate(12); // ^fU2!zH9#bR3

// A custom() factory will use only the characters you specify.
echo RandomPasswordFactory::custom('abc')->generate(12); // cbbcaccaabab


The library consists of a single class: Lamansky\RandomPassword\RandomPasswordFactory.

Constructor Parameters

  1. Optional: $set_codes (string or null): A configuration string indicating the character sets that should be used in generating the random password. If this is set to null, the default of u l n (equivalent to the configuration of the static alphanumeric() method) will be used.
  2. Optional: $custom_set (string): A set of characters to be used if $set_codes includes c.

Set Codes

The $set_codes string is used to specify which characters should be used in generating random passwords. The available character sets are:

Code Set Name Set Characters
L Lowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
l Unambiguous Lowercase abcdefhjkmnpqrstuvwxyz
(Letters i, g, l, and o are omitted.)
(Letters I, G, and O are omitted.)
N Numbers 1234567890
n Unambiguous Numbers 2345789
(Numbers 1, 6, and 0 are omitted.)
s Symbols !@#^*_
c Custom Specified in the $custom_set variable.

Passwords will be generated by rotating between different space-separated groups in your configuration string. Here are some sample values for $set_codes with corresponding behavior:

Configuration String Behavior Sample Password
u l n The password will be generated by rotating between the u, l, and n sets (uppercase, lowercase, and numbers). The order of the rotation will be randomized. jR5nX8eH
uln Every character of the password will have a chance of being drawn from the u, l, or n sets. 29QVYbC7
ul n The password will be generated by rotating between letters (a mix of uppercase and lowercase) and numbers. 9n5h4D8X

Static Factory Methods

The RandomPasswordFactory class has various static factory methods, each of which serves as a shortcut for constructing a factory using a preconfigured value for $set_codes.

Static Method Set Codes Sample Password
alpha() u l sJtNbZtA
numeric() N 54088998
alphanumeric() u l n r9Tj4Nw5
loweralphanumeric() l n p7h2q4e2
ascii() u l n s 7R_y5M#f
custom($custom_set) c

The generate() Method


  1. $length (int): The number of characters in the password to be generated. For security reasons, it is strongly recommended that this be set to 12 or higher.
  2. Optional: $set_codes (string or null): If set, overrides the global $set_codes value set in the constructor.
  3. Optional: $custom_set (string): If set, overrides the global $custom_set value set in the constructor.

Return Value

Returns a random password as a string.

Unit Tests

To run the development test suite, execute this command:

./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests