An iterable key-value collection class.

1.0.0 2020-08-18 21:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 12:43:03 UTC


An iterable key-value collection class for PHP.


With Composer installed on your computer and initialized for your project, run this command in your project’s root directory:

composer require lamansky/map

Requires PHP 7.1 or above.

The library consists of a single class: Lamansky\Map\Map.

Basic Usage

use Lamansky\Map\Map;

$map = new Map();

// Set
$map->set('key', 'value');

// Has
var_dump($map->has('key')); // bool(true)

// Get
echo $map->get('key'); // 'value'

// Keys & Values
print_r($map->keys()); // Array ( [0] => key )
print_r($map->values()); // Array ( [0] => value )

// Iteration
foreach ($map as $key => $value) {

// Count
var_dump($map->count()); // int(1)

// Delete
var_dump($map->delete('key')); // bool(true) // found
var_dump($map->delete('key')); // bool(false) // not found


For an understanding of what each of these methods does, refer to the unit tests in tests/MapTest.php.

  • get ($key)
  • has ($key)
  • set ($key, $value)
  • mergeSet ($key, $value, callable $merge)
  • edit ($key, callable $edit)
  • increment ($key, $value)
  • decrement ($key, $value)
  • delete ($key)
  • count ()
  • entries ()
  • keys ()
  • values ()
  • map (callable $callback)
  • walk (callable $callback)
  • sort (callable $sort)
  • sortValuesAsc ()
  • sortValuesDesc ()
  • sortKeysAsc ()
  • sortKeysDesc ()
  • keepOnlyTheFirst (int $number)
  • keepOnlyTheLast (int $number)

Static Methods

  • fromList (iterable $items, callable $get_key)
  • merge (self ...$maps)
  • deepMerge (callable $merge, self ...$maps)

Unit Tests

To run the development test suite, execute this command:

./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests