
FastPHP framework

dev-master 2023-05-24 09:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 11:08:47 UTC


   composer create-project lam.nguyen247/fast-framework:dev-master your-project-folder

How to start

   cp .env.example .env
   php creator key:generate
   php creator jwt:install
   php creator config:cache
   php creator migrate
   php creator db:seed

_note: Create database before run migrate

About FastPHP Framework

FastPHP is a web application framework designed with a focus on speed and efficiency. We believe that development should be a seamless and satisfying experience, where coding is a joy, not a burden. Our goal is to streamline the web development process by simplifying common tasks that are required in most web projects, such as:

FastPHP is a powerful yet accessible framework that provides all the necessary tools for building large and robust applications. With its elegant and innovative design, it combines simplicity and functionality to give you the tools you need to create any type of web application you can imagine. Whether you're working on a personal project or a complex enterprise application, FastPHP makes the process fast, efficient, and enjoyable.

Features from FastPHP Framework

Require PHP Version >= 8.0

Let's run php creator list to see all available supported commands. Here is some available feature.

Example command

   php creator make:command {Command name}
   php creator make:controller {Controller name}
   php creator make:model {Model name}
   php creator make:request {Request name}
   php creator make:migration --table={Table name}

Refresh caching

   php creator config:cache

Generate application key

   php creator key:generate

Install Json Web Tokens for the application

   php creator jwt:install

Then remember refresh caching to register new application key !

Run migration

   php creator migrate

Rollback all of them

   php creator migrate:rollback

Run the seeder

   php creator db:seed

Live run query

   php creator exec:query --query="select * from users"

Make a test. Please give --test=true, like:

   php creator exec:query --query="select * from users" --test=true

List of your defined route.

   php creator route:list

View under json or array

   php creator route:list --format=json/array