
Template for the Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor.

Installs: 458

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



v1.0.1 2017-10-04 19:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 04:13:16 UTC



Lagan Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor Template

Admin template that turns a textarea into a WYSIWYG editor field with the Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor.

To do

Use svg icons via CDN instead of hard-coding them in the template.

To be used with Lagan. Lagan lets you create flexible content objects with a simple class, and manage them with a web interface.

Lagan is a project of LĂștsen Stellingwerff.