labxxi / phpsesame
Php sesame interface
- php: >=5.3.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 18:09:38 UTC
========= phpsesame
Fork of the alex latchford sesame interface Inspired by the work of Julian Klotz, and Andreas Thalhammer
PHP 5+ <>
_ - (There shouldn't be any subversion dependencies, but I haven't checked thoroughly)HTTP_Request2 <>
_semsol/ARC2 <>
library, available here on github, is strongly recommended to parse results or generate rdf.
I am assuming at this point you have installed and configured Sesame, have a repository set up and the REST API functioning correctly. If not then please consult the Sesame documentation <>
Using the Library
To get the library up and running all you need is::
require_once "path/to/phpSesame/phpSesame.php";
$sesame = array('url' => 'http://localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame', 'repository' => 'exampleRepo', 'charset' => 'UTF-8');
$store = new phpSesame($sesame['url'], $sesame['repository'], $sesame['charset']);
You can change the repository you are working on at any time by calling::
Charset param is used for both content type and accept headers params. You can set them specifically by calling::
Querying a Store
The simplest way to query a store is::
$sparql = "PREFIX foaf:<>
SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s foaf:name ?o } LIMIT 100";
$resultFormat = phpSesame::SPARQL_XML; // The expected return type, will return a phpSesame_SparqlRes object (Optional)
$lang = "sparql"; // Can also choose SeRQL (Optional)
$infer = true; // Can also choose to explicitly disallow inference. (Optional)
$result = $store->query($sparql, $resultFormat, $lang, $infer);
Using ARC2 for results::
$parser = ARC2::getSPARQLXMLResultParser();
$parser->parse('', $result);
foreach($parser->getRows() as $row) {
echo "Subject: " . $row['s'] . ", Object: " . $row['o'] . ".";
Documentation will be updated with new features examples soon.