
v1.0.1 2018-01-29 06:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 03:32:45 UTC


This is for personal use of Kaloyan Yosifov all right goes to me

It is free, anyone can use it

The Socials functions

crb_add_social( $social_name, $arrr ) or crb_add_socials( $arr )

The first function you set the social name and add an array of arguments like

	'public_name' => ('name of the social that is going to be shown in Theme Options'),
	('icon' or 'image') => (the icon class or image id, or image url ),

Theese are the required arguments for add socials and add social The second function you add associative array with social names

	( The social name ) => array(
		'public_name' => ('name of the social that is going to be shown in Theme Options'),
		('icon' or 'image') => (the icon class or image id, or image url ),

You can add other parameters in the array but 'public_name' and ('icon' or 'image') are required

crb_get_social( $args = '', $fields = '' )

In this function for arguments you can pass 'list' or 'generate_fields' on the $args and for $fields you can pass an array of fields or a single field.

The 'list' returns all the socials
The generate fields return fields with url for the socials
Without passing $args you can get the socials with the url from Theme Optios or whatever you called your tab and render them yourself

The socials function works with carbon fields only

To add socials you would have to call crb_add_socials or crb_add_social to add a social in the array.

In order for the icons or images to show you have to put crb_get_socials( 'generate_fields' ) somewhere in the trhem options in a tab or for example Container::make( 'theme_options', __( 'Theme Options', 'crb' ) )->add_tab( __( 'Socials', 'crb' ), crb_get_socials( 'generate_fields' ) ); this is just and example if you have a better way implementing the socials to them options feel free to do it.

crb_render_socials( ($args not required) )

Renders the added socials

$render_args = array(
			'echo' => true,
			'no_url_show' => true,
			'wrapper_before' => '<div class="socials"><ul>',
			'wrapper_after' => '</ul></div>',
			'item_wrapper_before' => '<li>',
			'item_wrapper_after' => '</li>',
			'render_icons' => true,
			'render_images' => false,
			'image_size' => 'thumbnail',

Socials Hooks

'crb_pre_get_socials'- action hook.In this hook you can call it to add socials instead of adding socials before the container

'crb_pre_render_socials_args'-filter hook gets arguments before rendering the html

'crb_rendered_socials_html'- filter hook gets the html before it being rendered