
Tool for currency exchange

1.1.1 2023-10-19 17:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 18:37:36 UTC


The library converts currencies based on the rates that can be obtained through the API or by parsing the bank's pages.


Install package via Composer:

composer require kulizh/currency

Then include the library in your PHP-file:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Currency\Converter;

$converter = new Converter();

Set From and To

Set from and to via special methods from(string $isoCode): self and to(string $isoCode): self, where isoCode is currency code stored in data/market/currency-codes.csv.


Rates source

Use presets

You may use one of preset rate markets. Now available:

  1. Bank of Thai market (BankOfThai)

Get the instance of market class via factory:

$thaiMarket = $covnerter->marketFactory('BankOfThai');

The market classes implement the iMarket interface.

Create your own

You can use any service, website or public API as a source of exchange rates. To do this, implement the iMarket interface.

namespace MyMarket;

use Currency\Helpers\MarketCache;
use Currency\Market\IMarket;

class CentralBankOfRussia implements IMarket
    * Here is the string we parse.
    * This could be API Url or whatever
    protected string $url = 'https://cb.ru/rates.json';

     * $from string isoCode of From currency
     * $to string isoCode of To currency
     * @return float Currency result
    public function getRate(string $from, string $to): float
        // Optional: you can cache data to avoid ban or freeze
        $data = MarketCache::read($this->url, 'cb.rf');

        $data_decoded = json_decode($data, true);

        * Place your script to get rates FROM or TO here

        return 0.00;

Note: Feel free to make PR with your implementations of Market objects.

Pass it to Library

Pass the market instance you created through method useMarket():

$myMarket = new MyMarket\CentralBankOfRussia();


Get the result

use Currency\Converter;

$usdPrice = 13670;

$converter = new Converter();

$rubPrice = $converter->convert($usdPrice);